Thread in progress that makes an excellent point: Far Left Progressives thought they had ALREADY WON. And I mean already won *permanently*.

After Obama won in 2008 there were numerous articles/books about the New Permanent Democratic

James Carville among others were crowing "The DemuhKRATS are gunna beah in POWAH faw FAWTY YEAHS!"

Obama easily beating Romney in 2012 only entrenched this notion.

Republican gains in the House in 2010/12/14, hey just minor setbacks, soon to be corrected!
The arrogant triumphalism on the part of the Progressives was insufferable in 2008 and by 2012 it was even worse.

Republicans had a dying party, I was told. Democratic Presidents & an activist judiciary would keep that GOP house in line until 'common sense' prevailed.
This is why 2 years later, Progressives are still throwing tantrums and refusing to accept what happened.

They truly believed what they were told, that it was all over and they had won.

You're watching people go through an existential crisis.
Control of the Executive branch and control of the Judicial branch were key essentials to enacting and then enforcing a large part of the Progressive agenda for America.

And they'd won, you see. The redneck bitter clingers out there couldn't stop the coming transformation.
Some guy, a boorish real estate tycoon from NYC who'd never run for office before, raced through the deepest GOP field in my lifetime like a flamethrower through a tub of butter and then RUINED Her Majesties Long Awaited Coronation.
Somebody woke up the redneck bitter clingers and rode them to the most improbable election victory in American history.

Now, the Left still hates that, but let me tell you what has driven them stark raving insane.

Trump not only won - he's rolling back all their 'progress'.
After Nov. 2016, Trump winning the election was a bitter pill for the Left to swallow, but hey, he's a moron. Sure he'll do SOME damage but he'll be gone soon, likely impeached/forced to resign. In the mean time, he'll have no clue what he's doing, wander around lost!
By the time Trump had been in office for 6 months, the Left was forced to realize OMG HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING WE'EVE GOT TO STOP HIM HE'S GOING AFTER THE CPFB, HE'S GOING AFTER THE GRANTS FROM THE EPA, HE'S GOING AFTER THE *JUDGES*!
A year and a half into his first term as President, yes indeed it's *clear* Trump and his team know exactly what they are doing.

He concisely rolled back just about everything Obama did with is EO's, his pen & phone, then set out to reshape the fed. gov't & the judiciary.
Trump is using control of the Executive branch to roll back a FORTY YEAR AGENDA the Progressive Left had almost finished pulling off.

Dem's had weaponized gov't agencies against their political opponents & stacked the courts with activist judges.
So Trump knows what he's doing. And the Progressive Left now knows that he knows what he's doing.

Which is why they are in a 24/7 full scale five alarm FREAKOUT to stop him before it's too late.

Trump is the most thoroughly vetted President ever.

Mueller's now down to digging through Fred Trump's estate taxes.

The Crossfire Hurricane plot not only failed miserably, it's all being exposed & the plotters are headed for indictments.
Democrats then pinned their hopes on an absolutely insane gambit of delaying the Kavanaugh confirmation vote for the Supreme Court until after the November election so they could try to flip the Senate, or at least the House, & then impeach him.
But to understand what's motivating the insanity you're seeing, you have to understand these people thought they'd already won. Now not only are they NOT winning, they are watching 40 years worth of carefully constructed agenda being rolled back in just 1 1/2 years.
Trump has BIG PLANS for the federal bureaucracy. He's already revealed them. He put out a detailed plan for reshaping the entire federal gov't. Redundant agencies will be melded with other agencies, some will be dropped altogether.

He announced this months ago.
Try to imagine the absolute sheer panic on the Progressive Left when they looked over what Trump has planned for the federal bureaucracy they've spent 40 years building:
THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED. THIS *MUST* BE STOPPED. These are the thoughts that fill the heads of the Left 24/7. There simply HAS to be SOME way they can stop him....

Their fear coupled with their rage at being thwarted is what is giving rise to the constant mob action.
You're going to see attempts at rampant vote fraud this November as Democrats try to steal close races. They are that desperate.

Fortunately, Trump & Sessions saw this coming and are prepared.
Take a look at the LAST PARAGRAPH of that Fox news story:
Trump tried a 'vote fraud panel' that immediately ran into legal challenges. So he disbanded it.

Ha ha suckers!

On the downlow there is now a GOVERNMENT TASK FORCE where several different agencies work together to prevent/investigate/prosecute vote fraud.
It's not just 'in North Carolina'. It's federal. It's in ALL THE STATES. Note who's involved: ICE & the State Department & Homeland Security. All working to -what?


THIS is a big reason for the Abolish ICE! mantra.
So when desperate Democrats try to swing a few close races their way this November casting fake votes or by busing in a bunch of illgal immigrants, guess who's going to be waiting for them?
They know they can't withstand another 2 years of Trump having seen what he's done in just a year and a half. They went 'all in' on this call to flip the House & Senate this November.

So yes, they're going to try to cheat. But more than ever will get caught doing it.
After the Red Wave hits, we'll see a return to the terrorism of the 1960's, the last time the radical left threw it's hands up & said *to hell with this!* about working within the electoral system and went on a bombing/terror campaign to try to get their way.
The rage, the anger, the's all because they were BASKING in a victory they thought they'd already won and then STUPID DUMB HICKS TOOK IT FROM THEM by voting in an ORANGE COLORED GUY WITH BAD HAIR. ;)



So let's see a show of hands: how many of you even knew Huber was digging into the Clinton Foundation? While he was assisting Horowitz in his digging into the FISC/Steele Dossier/Fusion GPS/Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary campaign stuff?

I'm sure Huber is coming to DC *only* to discuss Clinton Foundation things with Meadows and his committee.

He for certain, like, won't be huddling with Horowitz or that new guy, Whitaker while he's in town. That would NEVER HAPPEN. [wink wink wink!] 😉

I just spent a year and a half telling you they will SHOW YOU what they are REALLY DOING when they are READY.

Not before.

No matter how much whining is done about it.

I'm exhausted but it's worth it.

Now you know why they're f**king TERRIFIED of Whitaker, the closer tapped by Trump to come in late for the hysterical fireworks that will ensue soon.

Look who's suddenly fund raising for his legal defen- er, I mean, ha ha - his reelection campaign!

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