Two monotheistic religions in their own way are on a path of attack against Hindus.
One spends billions converting Hindus. They feel they have a god-given right to reap a billion Indian souls, appropriate our festivals/ religious symbols and fool gullible people

They use money, ignorance & threat to convert Hindus and use foreign funding to keep marginal communities depressed.

Other large monotheistic faith uses force. They feel any kafir-majority country is anathema to them. They use violence, forcible wedding/ rape to propagate
They use violence to achieve what the other does through money. Both teach their children that those unlike them will go to hell and some even go to the extent of preaching violence against those unlike them, such as Hindus.
Reason they reserve their worst venom for us is because we refuse to go away like other indigenous/ pagan faiths. We stand firm.

So as long as they continue to preach monotheism, that others unlike them will go to hell don’t expect me to respect them.
I respect their right to their religion. But I WILL NOT be wishing them on their festivals. If that makes me non-secular then I wear it as a badge or honor.

I used to wish them until few years ago until I took the red pill.
They wage unrelenting attack on our festivals using NGOs and bureaucrats and media as weapons.

Suddenly they want us to recognize theirs as holy days. Bollocks, I say.

Live and let live is our motto. But respect works both ways. Anyone that doesn’t respect our right to live as Hindus and pass on our faiths and traditions to next generations doesn’t deserve our respect.

That’s my stand, and as a Hindu I’m proud to stick to it.
@threader_app compile please

More from Dharmic Nationalist 🕉️ #BleedBhagwa🚩🚩

With Margazhi month upon us I’m going to try and post some verses from Thiruppavai with English translation. Apologizing ahead if there are any errors.

Thank you @GunduHuDuGa dor reminding us about Margazhi

Here are some resources to both get the verses and read in detail the translation and the more detailed treatment of the meaning of the devotional verses.


Andal is Devi’s amsavatharam, Sri Devi incarnated in the form of Seethā performed upadeshak to the people of the earth. It is said that she even did Upadesham to Ravana who did not heed her but in his next birth as Sisupālan redeemed himself.

Through her #Thiruppavai prabhandham she is showing us the way to reach Bhagavan’s feet.

Verse 1 continued below

Paasuram (Verse) 1 of Thiruppavai

மார்கழித் திங்கள் மதி நிறைந்த நன்னாளால்

On the auspicious full moon day of the Margazhi month

நீராடப் போதுவீர் போதுமினோ நேரிழையீர்

Well ornamented maidens, those desirous of taking bath in the holy River please come on
Wanted to share some thoughts on the topic of work life balance that @Kishoreciyer1 brought up and on which @wataboutery so eloquently expounded.

Early in my career I was lucky enough to work in roles I loved and under nurturing managers who were my mentors. (Contd)

I worked hard and long. But I always returned home not contended with that day’s work and hungry for more. That satisfaction at work made my home life enjoyable. I found time to play badminton and volleyball. Work and life were perfectly balanced.

I couldn’t wait to go to work. Great team and good manager.

But as I got married and responsibilities increased demands on my time grew, especially as just married man helping my wife acclimatize with US.

I sought work - life balance because ..everyone seeks, right?

As luck would have it 9/11 happens, economy goes for a tail spin, and my company files for bankruptcy. So time to buckle up.

This is when I realized work life balance isn’t what I sought. I wanted a satisfying work that did not require me to compromise key personal goals

Working hard to keep up the morale in a company in bankruptcy isn’t easy. But that gave my career a mission.

When you are passionate about your work and committed to it, and have a good manager you can find ways to be effective without compromising your personal life

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