150 Reasons of Y Godseji K!lled Ghandhi
During the trial,Judge Khosla had allowed Godseji to read his confession in court. However,the Indian govt had banned his confession from public. His brother, Gopal Godse,waged a 60-year legal battle before the Supreme Court lifted the ban

Among 150 reasons for k!lling Gandhi, Some of which are as follows:
1. In 1919, the Indian people wanted General Dyer to be tried for the slaughter of innocents at Jalianwalla Baugh. Gandhi refused to support this request.

2. All India wanted Gandhi to intervene &
save Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev from the gallows. Gandhi flatly refused on the grounds that they were misguided freedom fighters & what they were doing was an act of violence.

3. On May 6, 1946,Gandhi on a public platform urged Hindus to sacrifice themselves &
not fight members of the Muslim League. In Kerala, members of the Mujlim League ki!led more than 1,500 Hindus and converted 2,000 to I?jlam. Instead of protesting, Gandhi said it was a brave act by the followers of Al!ah.
4. Gandhi repeatedly called Shivaji, Maha Rana Pratap &
Guru Govind Singh misguided nationalists.
5. Gandhi advised Raja Hari Singh of Kashmir to abdicate since Kashmir was majority Mujilim & move to Kashi. In contrast, he supported the Nizam (Osman Ali Khan) of Hyderabad to join Pakistan,even though the state of Hyderabad (Andhra,
Telangana, Karnataka and Berar) was Hindu majority. However, Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel ji ruled Gandhi. Upon learning of Patelji's police action in Hyderabad (Operation POLO), Nehru disconnected his phone with Patel.

6. In 1931 the congress committee on designing of Indian flag
suggested that the flag be only in saffron.Gandhi insisted changed it to a tri-colour flag.

7. During the Tripura congress , Subhash Chandra Bose was elected as president with majority however Gandhi supported Pattabhai Sitaramayya forcing Bose to resign.

8. On 15th June 1947
during congress conclave it was decided to resist the partition of India but Gandhi went to the meeting at the last minute and supported the partition. In fact it was Gandhi who had declared earlier that partition will take place "only over my dead body".
9. Sardar Patel ji was elected by majority as the first Prime Minister but Gandhi insisted on Nehru .

10. Nehru govt had decided to reconstruct Somnath Mandir at its cost but Gandhi without even being a member of the ministry forced the Govt. to reject this proposal .At the
same time on 13th January 1948 he went on a fast to allow Mujlims to repair the mosque in Delhi at Govt's cost.
11. When Hindus refugees returned to India after partition, some of them took shelter in some mosques temporarily. When Mujlims objected ,Gandhi forced all such
Hindus children,ladies and the old to leave the mosque and live on the streets.
12. In October 1947 Pakistan attacked Kashmir,Gandhi went on a fast & forced the Indian Govt to pay Pakistan a compensation of Rs.55 Crore.Gandhi did not mind hurting Hindu feelings to win over
Indian Mujlims.
Most of us have read Godseji's long final speech in which he explained the reasons why he killed Gandhi. Erudite and Powerful The power and eloquence of this statement was that one of the judges, G.D. Khosla later wrote: "I have no doubt, however, that the
audience of that day had been assembled in a jury & charged with deciding on Godseji's appeal, they would have issued a verdict of 'not guilty' with an overwhelming majority."
First deception of Independent India was"Mahatma" to Ghandhi
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