12 straightforward quotes on self-care:


2. Training your boundaries to be stronger than your soft heart is top-tier self-care.
3. Remove yourself from anywhere you don't feel valued and respected.
4. Maturity is realizing someone's lack of effort is their lack of interest in you regardless of what they tell you.
5. Not dealing with toxic people who trigger your mental health is self-care.
6. The deeper you heal, the higher you raise the price of what it costs to access you.
7. Unlearning your own toxic patterns is the highest form of healing.
8. Remember you are your own best friend, never put yourself down.
9. Don't confuse what people say, with who you are.
10. You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.
11. Don't rush the process, good things take time.
12. Your future needs you. Your past doesn't.
You live your life on auto pilot because you don't know what to do with your life.
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