Chrome is the most popular web browser.

It’s not always safe to use.

Here are 7 Chrome settings you need to change immediately:

1) Site Permissions

Some websites can access your location, camera, or microphone.

Control that:

• Settings>Privacy and security>Site settings
• Disable access for Location, Camera, and Microphone.
2) Secure DNS and Connections

There are some websites that don’t have secure connections.

Safely visit any:

• Settings>Privacy and security>Security
• Turn on ‘Always use secure connections’
• Turn on ‘Use secure DNS’
3) Pop-ups and Redirects

Many websites have annoying pop-ups and redirect you to other pages.

Block that:

• Settings>Privacy and security>Site settings>Pop-ups and redirects
• Disable ‘Pop-ups and redirects’
4) Third-party Cookies

Chrome enables third-party cookies when it’s installed.

Disable it:

• Settings>Privacy and security>Cookies and other site data
• Select ‘Block third-party cookies’
5) Enhanced Protection

Utilize all of Chrome’s protection features.

Here’s how:

• Settings>Privacy and security>Security
• Turn on ‘Enhanced protection’
6) Background Apps

By default Chrome runs all its apps in the background even when its closed.

Disable it:

• Settings>System
• Turn off ‘Continue running background apps’
7) Safety Check

Check for bad extensions and password breaches from your dashboard.

Here’s how:

• Settings>Privacy and security
• Click ‘Check now’
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Knowledge & Bharat : Part V

The Curriculum of Vedic Education :
According to the Ancient Indian theory of education, the training of the mind & the process of thinking, are essential for the acquisition of knowledge.


Vedic Education System delivered outstanding results.  These were an outcome of the context in which it functioned.  Understanding them is critical in the revival of such a system in modern times. 
The Shanthi Mantra spells out the context of the Vedic Education System.

It says:

ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

“Aum. May we both (the guru and disciples) together be protected. May we both be nourished and enriched. May we both bring our hands together and work

with great energy, strength and enthusiasm from the space of powerfulness. May our study and learning together illuminate both with a sharp, absolute light of higher intelligence. So be it.”

The students started the recitation of the Vedic hymns in early hours of morning.

The chanting of Mantras had been evolved into the form of a fine art. Special attention was paid to the correct pronunciation of words, Pada or even letters. The Vedic knowledge was imparted by the Guru or the teacher to the pupil through regulated and prescribed pronunciation,
Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /