I spent the last 8 years overhauling my health

Here are 13 mistakes I made (so you don't have to)


8 years ago I was skinny fat, chronically bloated, and got sick every few weeks.

Fixing those problems took much longer than it should've because my progress was derailed by tons of worthless health "advice"

Read on if you want to avoid those same mistakes
1. Seed oils are Sinister

Easily the worst thing most people eat, seed oils (aka "vegetable oils") are linked to almost every modern degenerative disease

It took me 6 years to fully realize this.

Here is the best lecture on the topic:

2. Omega 3s are awful

Uninformed health people always tell you to take Omega 3s from fish oil, flax seeds and oil, chia seeds, etc.

But they give you cellulite, exacerbate IBS, and are even worse than ordinary seed oils

I took them for years

3. (frequent) Fasting is foolish

Starving yourself elevates stress hormones.

I skipped breakfast for 3 years, and my IBS just got worse. Eating early in the morning was the only thing that fixed my digestion

It's best done infrequently and only for religions purposes
4. Superfoods are superfluous

Black seed oil, sea moss, chlorophyll, whatever.

I've spent thousands of $$ on such gimmicks; they've never truly helped

It's easy to use them as a crutch; prioritize the hard lifestyle changes needed for true health

5. Carnivore is counterproductive

Eating 0 plants kills your gut bacteria

Sad, bc they also run your immune system and produce neurotransmitters

I got sick a lot, and my IBS got even worse on carnivore

Funny how the "carnivores" all eat fruit now...

6. Sun doesn't damage skin

The sun did nothing wrong. Sunburn, skin cancer, skin damage-- the sun is the root cause of none of these.

I used to burn in the summers and get pale in the winters (despite natural olive skin)

Avoiding the sun does nothing

7. Water is a waste

I did the "8 cups a day" thing, and it just made me dehydrated

Too much water pulls minerals out of cells.

Your tissues also need to be primed to accept hydration... rain on a desert only makes a flood

Fruit juice or milk is best, and in moderation
8. Keto is crazy

You want to be jacked and tan huh? Then your body must exist in a state of perpetual summer

You know what's available in the summer? Carbs

Fruit, honey, starch. I could never build any sort of muscle without them

May be good for a short time--not forever
9. Food is (kinda) frivolous

High quality, real food is necessary (find it on @shireapp)

But don't get hung up on it. I agonized over my eating for yrs, and still had IBS

Need to reduce overall stress

There are many things that have *more* of an impact on health than food...
10. Fun is fine

It's easy to become so rigid with your health rules that you don't enjoy your life

Unhappiness is literally bad for you (stress hormones again)

You can do all the right things, but if you don't enjoy your life you'll never be healthy and thriving
11-13. I have 3 more lessons, but they might be too controversial for health twitter.

(Pics related)

For the full list, check out my article on substack:

And please retweet the first tweet if you think more people should learn from these mistakes

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