My Dad works at a crappy job, drinks too much, and his only friend is his brother.

I always thought he led an unfulfilled life.

But I had an epiphany:

I'm always worried, and anxious, and angry.

My Dad is none of these things.

Maybe he actually has life figured out. Maybe I can learn from him.

Below is counter-intuitive wisdom from my dad Chaz that you won’t find in any self-help book:
Eat like crap and drink like a fish.

My Dad is on The Buffett Diet: soda all day like Warren and liquor all night like Jimmy. He ends the night with a sleeve of Oreos.

And he looks great.

So eat whatever you want, drink however much you want, & don’t stress about your diet.
Think only of yourself.

My brother and my dad's brother had a HUGE fight and stopped speaking to each other.

I would have felt anxious, but Chaz shrugged. "That's their problem."

The only time he's concerned if it directly affects him, like when Mom was diagnosed with cancer.
Even with a cancer diagnosis, Dad wasn't worried about my mom's surgery.

“There’s no point in worrying about something until there’s something to worry about.” 

So don’t worry about other people or things outside your control. Be like Timon, Pumba, and Chaz. Hakuna Matata.
Forget everything.

Dad never remembers things my mom asked him to do. He laughs and apologizes, and Mom rolls her eyes.

It's a show. They've been married 40+ years and Dad is still smitten by my mom.

I hope my husband and I always look at each other the way they do.
Misplace things.

While on vacation Dad left his phone at a golf course. Took him 3 hours to retrieve it.

When he got home he took a sip of gin & tonic. “It’s not like I had anywhere to be. I’m on vacation.”

So ditch ur systems & productivity shame. If u forget something, NBD
My Dad is living his best life.

He doesn’t have the healthiest diet but he doesn’t obsess over it, either.

Instead of cursing myself for indulging in that ice cream or drinking that third glass of wine, I could just relax and enjoy it sometimes.
My Dad lives in the present moment and focuses on himself.

I hold onto the past with shame and worry about the future with anxiety. And I care too much about what other people think.

If I just focused on myself and what I could control, I would be less stressed out.
My Dad never gets angry or defensive, whereas I have moments of anger every day.

I get worked up about small things, like bad customer service or when I leave wet clothes in the washer all night.

But anger solves nothing and yields zero benefits.
All this time I thought my Dad was unambitious, selfish, and forgetful.

But maybe my Dad is just happy. 

So next time you’re feeling worried or stressed out or angry just ask yourself, “What would Chaz do?” 

And life might get a little better.
I write a newsletter about all my hang-ups and insecurities:

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Master Thread of all my threads!

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• Making one master thread and will keep posting all my threads under this.

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3. @sanstocktrader
4. @SouravSenguptaI
5. @Rishikesh_ADX

3. 12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191

4. Curated tweets on HOW TO SELL STRADDLES.

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4. Examples
5. Videos on

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