So I’m probably taking this discussion about ‘nationalism’ on Twitter with @nealjclark1 @AnarContrarian & @RizomaSchool way more seriously than I should, but it prompts me to say a little more about nationalism & localism – and why I don’t want to mix them up 🧵

We all know people, things, practices, locations & memories in places special to us that we feel emotionally connected to, give meaning to our lives & that we wish to cherish & protect...
...yet most of us are part of a modernist culture inherently scornful of such attachments, albeit happy to giftwrap them & sell them back to us as nostalgia if it can.
So I agree with @AnarContrarian that rural people’s children & grandchildren were functionally confiscated from them – in fact, I’d go so far as to say that in many ways modernist culture has functionally confiscated us from ourselves
Nationalism is part of this modernist culture. Its force comes from taking those powerful emotions we have about people & places we know, & sprinkling people & places we don’t know with the same emotional fairy dust... politically powerful people and capital cities an aura of legitimacy that they haven’t earned.
All too often the ersatz localism of nationalist ideology tries to create a sense of a locally threatened silent majority divided from a demonized minority – racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious, gendered or whatever...
But the threat to local connectedness is invariably greater from the constant profit-seeking economic transformation of nationalist-modernist projects than it is from the heterogenous ranks of ordinary people wanting to live their lives and enchant the places where they live.
In many places nationalist-modernist ideology has been so effective that neither incomers nor those with deep local roots have much access to economic or cultural resources outside that ideology, so localness easily becomes another shallow form of status in pointless culture wars
So I’d argue that the main challenge now is to invent or renew local economic and cultural resources beyond the nationalist-modernist status quo in ways that likely include whoever happens to be in place.
There will be a lot of people on the move in the world to come. Nationalists will tell us that they are our main enemies. But they probably aren’t.
So – Twitter conventions aside – I’m not going to make life easier for nationalists by applying the term to local things that matter culturally and emotionally
In other words, it ain’t where you’re from, it’s where you’re at
Hopefully it’s clear that none of this is a criticism of the folks involved in this discussion earlier, whose work I admire and who certainly don’t fit into the nationalist-modernist mould 😀
And now I'm going ice-skating. Or at least I would if there was ever enough frozen water in the place I call home

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /
The best morning routine?

Starts the night before.

9 evening habits that make all the difference:

1. Write down tomorrow's 3:3:3 plan

• 3 hours on your most important project
• 3 shorter tasks
• 3 maintenance activities

Defining a "productive day" is crucial.

Or else you'll never be at peace (even with excellent output).

Learn more

2. End the workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual (hat-tip to Cal Newport). Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk. Then say, "shutdown."

Separating your life and work is key.

3. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

Delicious tacos, presentation you crushed, a moment of inner peace. Write it down.

Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.

4. Lay out clothes

Get exercise clothes ready for tomorrow. Upon waking up, jump rope for 2 mins. It will activate your mind + body.

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Nano Course On Python For Trading
Module 1

Python makes it very easy to analyze and visualize time series data when you’re a beginner. It's easier when you don't have to install python on your PC (that's why it's a nano course, you'll learn python...

... on the go). You will not be required to install python in your PC but you will be using an amazing python editor, Google Colab Visit

This course is for anyone out there who is confused, frustrated, and just wants this python/finance thing to work!

In Module 1 of this Nano course, we will learn about :

# Using Google Colab
# Importing libraries
# Making a Random Time Series of Black Field Research Stock (fictional)

# Using Google Colab

Intro link is here on YT:

Create a new Notebook at and name it AnythingOfYourChoice.ipynb

You got your notebook ready and now the game is on!
You can add code in these cells and add as many cells as you want

# Importing Libraries

Imports are pretty standard, with a few exceptions.
For the most part, you can import your libraries by running the import.
Type this in the first cell you see. You need not worry about what each of these does, we will understand it later.