#Thread on #BhagvadGita : The Divine Gift of Shri Krishna to ब्रह्माण्ड!

Tomorrow is the Ekadashi of Margasirsha Shukla Paksh , the day when Sri Krishna gave the divine knowledge of Bhagvad Gita. Honestly speaking,no one has the capability to describe the glories of this divine knowledge Bhagvad Gitā in https://t.co/SnrpNuIV8L comes under 'Bhishma
Parva' which is from Chapter 13 to 42.

The first chapter of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta begins with chapter 25 of Bhishma Parva.

The names of 4 Parva that comes under Bhishma Parva are:
1) Jambhund Nirman Parv
2) Bhoomi Parva
3) Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Parva
4)BhismaVadh Parva
Description of all the chapters are given in Padma Purana briefly and Gītāsaar in Agnipurana.
This book is the compilation of all the Shashtras.

इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् |
विवस्वान्मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् |

According to this shloka Sri Hari gave the divine Gyaan of Gita to Surya Dev before giving it to Arjuna.
य इमं परमं गुहां मद्भक्तेष्वभिधास्यति ।
भक्ति मयि परां कृत्वा मामेवैष्यत्यसंशयः।।६८ ।।

He who , offering the highest love to Me , preaches the most profound gospel of Gita among my devotees , shall come to Me alone ; there is no doubt about it .
अध्येष्यते च य इमं धमर्य संवादमावयोः ।
ज्ञानयज्ञेन तेनाहमिष्ट : स्यामिति मे मति : ।। ७० ।।

Whosoever studies this sacred dialogue of ours in the form of Gita , by him too shall be worshipped with Yajna of Knowledge ; such is My conviction.
In Mahabharata Sri Vedavyasa, after the narration of Gita he said...

गीता सुगीता कर्तव्या किमन्यैःशास्त्रविस्तरैः ।
या स्वयं पद्मनाभस्य मुखपद्माद्विनि : सृता ।।

The gita should be carefully studied,i.e.,after reading the text, its meaning and idea should be gathered and
held in the mind . It emanated from the lotus like lips of Bhagwan Visnu himself, from whose navel sprung the lotus

Sri Krishna himself describe the importance of reading Gita in last chapter of the divine book as ..
The man who listens to the divine knowledge of gita with reverence , being free from malice , he too , liberated from sin , shall reach the propitious world of pious and the virtuous

• Chapter one talks about " The yoga of Despondency of Arjuna "
• Chapter two is about " सांख्ययोग " ( the yoga of Knowledge )

• Chapter three is about "कर्मयोग".

• Chapter four is about " The yoga of ज्ञान as well as the disciplines of क्रिया and ज्ञान।

• Chapter five is about " क्रियायोग" and "ज्ञानयोग "।
• Chapter six is about " The yoga of Self Control

• Chapter seven is about " The yoga of Jhana ( Knowledge of Nirguna Brahma ) and Vijnana ( knowledge of Manifest

• Chapter eight is about " The Yoga of the Indestructible Brahma " .
• Chapter nine is about " The yoga if Sovereign science and the sovereign secret.

• Chapter ten is about " The yoga of divine glories.

• Chapter eleven " The yoga of the vision of the Universal Form " .

• Chapter twelve is about " भक्ति योग"।
• Chapter thirteen is about The yoga of discrimination between the क्षेत्र and "क्षेत्रज्ञ"

• Chapter fourteen is about " The yoga of division of three Gunas i.e. Sattva,Rajas& Tamas.

• Chapter fifteen is about " The yoga of Supreme Being.
• Chapter Sixteen is about " The yoga of division between the divine and the diabolical properties " .

• Chapter seventeen is about " The yoga of the division of the Threefold faith " .
Chapter eighteen is about " The yoga of liberation through the path of Knowledge and "Self - Surrender " .

Hare Krishna 🙏❤
Info credit: Agnipuran, Padmapuran, Mahabharat & Gita press.

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#Thread on Mahavidya Lalita Tripura Sundari  also known as दिव्यरूपिणी , सिद्धविद्या , कामराहुप्रिया ,सर्वलक्ष्मीमयी & आनन्दरूपिणी।

One can worship Shri Bhairavi through both the Marga (वाम and दक्षिण).

-Aways remember one can attain fruits of worshiping Devi Lalita Tripur Sundari ,if it is done according to गुरुपरम्परा / आत्मसम्प्रदाय, with devotion.

- Her yantra was made of भूपुर containing अष्टदलपद्म तथा चतुर्द्वार and नवयोनिकोण in the middle of it,Devi Bhagvati provides wealth to her devotees.

- Maa Tripur Sundari is अधिष्ठात्री devi of the third chapter of 'Durga Saptashati'.

https://t.co/NhzJgE3jNa Thread on Devi Chinnamastika 🙏

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