1. Updated Thread on:
A, Wuhan Seafood Market Positive Environmental Samples, B. Early Local Reports about Animals at the Market
C. CCP Censorship and Police harassment of local activists uploading censored news reports to GitHub.
The original thread was a mess!

2. CCP Censorship & Police harassment of local activists uploading censored news reports to GitHub.
It all started with a simple search query:
"market" "animal" on a github database:
Only to find that it had been deleted on github due to CCP pressure!
3. Github is Censorship proof, right?
It does not get deleted! But..
Arms get Twisted!
Please remember these brave young activists for creating a permanent record of censored news from the early days while CCP rewrites history
4. What a shock!
But thanks to the very nature of GitHub, "forks" and "clones" had been made & saved.
The best one is here:
Obviously all in Chinese ;) but tks to Google Chrome we can right click translate to English & find archived scrubbed Chinese news
5. "This is an archive of in-depth reports and personal narratives on the COVID-19 outbreak in China"
Contains media reports, non-fictional works and personal narratives related to the 2020 coronavirus pneumonia.
Part of the archive is provided by netizens, I am grateful.
6. The best repository with working links is here:
Don't bother with the Web Archive Version, many of the links do not work, so it is not very useful:
7. Not the only Censored News Memory Project!
In case this gets scrubbed, an archived version is here:
8. Links to Early Censored News Reports (Have Fun!)
Epidemic & Public Opinion: Wuhan Pneumonia Timeline Dec 1st 2019 - April 6 2020
Lest we forget:
Another Timeline Project:
9. Archives
7.6 GB download here:
Another archive:
Backup Invashom:
Complete China Timeline 01/12/19 - Now:
Another archive:
10. No Time to check these so help yourself
Lest we Forget Timeline:
News Archive
Google Docs Archive
Individual Stories:
Weibo Archive?
11. Chinese media reports archive
Workers under the epidemic:
NCove Chinese Memory all Clones:
Memories of New Pneumonia 2020:
Media Reports & Non-fiction
Another NCov Memory repo:
12. Nearly Finished
That's it!
Now for Part B:
Early Local Reports about Animals at the Market
Article provides background into networks of influence, political patronage & finance
"History of the Yu's family wealth & growth of South China seafood market"
Removed by censors, archive:
14. Detailed article on animals sold at seafood market
"Popular animal husbandry and game" does exist, and the store is closed after the market is closed"
"The stall involved in "Popular Livestock Game" has been closed"
15. Public information shows there are legal stalls selling wildlife at Market. Online pictures show 42 game products sold by "Public Livestock", bamboo rats, dog beaver badgers, raccoon badgers, civets, foxes, koalas, peacocks, geese, etc. Quick frozen & delivered to your door.
16. Law enforcement personnel conduct carpet inspections of 8 merchants selling tiger frogs, snakes, hedgehogs, and other animals, inspecting their wildlife business license approval documents and prohibiting them from operating wild animals without approval.
17. Wild Animals-Gao
1. Shop owner, Li, told reporters, market stalls selling wildlife concentrated in the central West corridor.
2. Gao Fu, Director of CCDC said source of the new coronavirus virus is in the South China seafood market, and that wild animals play a key role in it
18. Academician Zhong Nanshan, leader of National Health and Safety Commission's high-level expert group pointed out that when live broadcast is connected to CCTV, it is not clear which animal is the source of the virus.
19. "According to the epidemiological survey, the virus comes from wild animals, and the most likely ones are bamboo rats and badgers."
20. Wang Ping case
The "People" reporter interviewed Wang Ping, 46, who worked in the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan for four years. He was infected but was lucky.
"I felt the symptoms on the day of the shutdown of Seafood Market in Wuhan...."
21. Wang Ping (cont)
"& I felt a little pain all over my body. I was still working that morning. When the seafood market was closed, I followed the boss to sell fish at another seafood market, "4 Seasons Market" in Hankou. I felt uncomfortable in afternoon & hought I had a cold"
22. Wang Ping (cont 3)
"I later thought that I might get the disease because I didn't wear a mask when working in thev Seafood Market. I worked there for four years. At the beginning, I was selling vegetables. Later, I helped people move seafood, mainly salmon and seabass. "
23. Wang Ping (4)
I started working at 3 a.m. every day. I moved the seafood that was transported by the truck to the market door to the stall to sort fish , Until the end of ten o'clock in the morning, each month about 5,000 CNY (650 Euros) in income.
24. Wang Ping (5)
"The hygienic condition of our market is not very good. As soon as we walk in, the smell inside is quite big, an unspeakable smell. I haven't worn a mask at all after working in it for so long. How can I wear it?"
25. Wang Ping (6)
"There are more than 20 game meats sold in market, concentrated in a channel, snakes are piled up at door to sell & killed chickens & ducks are also sold at door, the ground is oily so we don't go that way, afraid of slipping"
(Wang Ping is a pseudonym)
26. Two eye witness reports
from local people living near the seafood market
(interesting but no information on animals):
1. a citizen observation from the core of the epidemic area https://t.co/vOKpjuwPvU
2. My home is very close to the seafood market:
27.Back to the starting point of Wuhan pneumonia:
Who is the boss of the South China market selling game?
"21 days ago, on Jan 2, China Business Daily reported that there were suspected wild animals in the seafood market in South China"
28. Statement issued on September 25, 2019:
the local market supervision bureau had revealed that 8 companies hold approval documents for wildlife management licenses.
"Actually, they have illegally operated wild animal trade"
29. George Gao
We found the genome of the virus through detection of environmental samples from stalls of illegally operated wild animals"
Gao Fu, a member of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Health Commission on TV told the public
30. Article continues with detailed information on ownership of the market, family scandals and other gossip
but then continues with a section titled: "Wild Animal Puzzle" which is of interest.
31. Wild Animal Puzzle
Prior to the emergence of the epidemic, relevant inspections confirmed that there were at least 8 merchants operating wild animals. But now, the relevant departments have denied issuing licenses for the management and use of wild animals to merchants.
32. At least 8 merchants sell wild animals.
This can be seen from information released by the Wuhan Market Supervision Bureau in 2019:
"In the Seafood Wholesale Market, law enforcement officers checked 8 merchants that sell animals such as tiger frogs, snakes, hedgehogs, etc"
33. "There are more than a dozen merchants selling game in the Western District. The wild animals sold include wild ducks, snakes, hares, etc. Those shops are located in remote places, and I don’t recognize some of the things they sell, and many people buy them every day."
34. Recently, an inpatient owner and relative from the South China Seafood Market said in an interview with the China Business Daily:
"the market is divided into east and west areas, and there are more than a dozen merchants operating wild animals in the western area alone."
35. (previous image of CCDC team on January 1, 2020, taking samples for inspection)
On January 1st, when our reporter, Zhang Jiazhenshe, went to South China Group (who own the market) for an interview, personnel from the local propaganda department stopped him.
36. Massive Corruption - Forestry & Wildlife Officials
Wuhan City Garden and Forestry Bureau, stated that it had not issued a license for the use of wild animals to the South China Seafood Market.
37. According to Xinhua 2015, the case of corruption in forestry system in Danjiangkou City, Hubei, originated from Zhang Zhengxue, deputy head of management:
" After ordinary cadres sigh: "I thought it was a cold hall, and did not expect to be able to bite off so much money!"
38. According to CCTV reports, in 2018, in a case of trafficking in wild animals announced by the Forest Public Security Bureau of Jiangxi Province, there were more than 17,000 animals involved, and the sales network covered 15 provinces across the country.
39. The task force revealed that many public officials participated in the sale. There are staff members of the wildlife protection and management department that illegally issue transportation certificates for criminals and act as an umbrella to facilitate criminal activities.
40. Hubei Daily (2015) reported that Zhou Zhanhong, former party group member & chief economist of Wuhan Municipal Administration of Industry & Commerce was arrested on suspicion of abuse of power & bribery, but no trial information has been seen since.
41. A story of low wages, corruption, political patronage, family scandals, Macau casinos, bamboo rats, badgers, tiger frogs, hedgehogs, wild ducks, hares, seabass, salmon, snakes, slippery paths, 8 illegal wildlife merchants, cover ups and above all of animal & human suffering.
42. That's it!
Much tidier than the original thread
with added section on github archives of censored news reports and personal testimonies from China.
unroll @threadreaderapp

More from Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓

1/ Directed Evolution and Serial passage of RNA Viruses
A quick (I hope) thread on RNA viruses & some others, mainly for my own learning process, but also as evidence (as if it was needed) of what modern virology & microbiology is capable of doing to viruses in their laboratories

2/ In Vivo Continuous Directed Evolution
1 Recent advances in the field of in vivo continuous evolution
2 Advances in continuous culture of microbes enable continuous evolution
3 Viruses, prokaryotes, & eukaryotes mediate in vivo continuous evolution

3/ Continuous Directed Evolution of Biomolecules
By greatly accelerating laboratory evolution, PACE may provide solutions to otherwise intractable directed evolution problems and address novel questions about molecular evolution.

4/ CDE for Strain & Protein Engineering
Inducible hypermutator systems accelerate strain evolution without compromising genome integrity.
Site-specific in vivo mutagenesis strategies have facilitated continuous protein engineering.

5/ Targeted mutagenesis:
A sniper-like diversity generator in microbial engineering
Advances in the directed evolution of proteins
In vivo continuous directed evolution
1. High Probability of serial passaging in Transgenic Mice expressing hACE2 in genesis of SARS-COV-2!
2 papers:
Human–viral molecular mimicry
Molecular Mimicry

2. Must Read! Confirmation with supporting evidence via @flavinkins
"ONLY place where this thing could emerge, naturally or Artificially, is by passage in HUMANIZED MICE"

3. Springer Article

4. Takeaway most significant quotes from Springer Article, burn this into your brain:
"Such a peptide commonality is unexpected and highly improbable from a mathematical point of view"

5. One image to explain it all!
1. Thread: RaTG13 Real or Fake?
A Norwegian Scientist @Vehuardo recently claimed RaTG13 is an "authentic virus"
This failed to take into account the work of our DRASTIC colleagues & other published analyses.
This thread is a polite attempt to educate.

which says RaTG13 doesn't make sense on how it was sequenced, or how the data got so messed up in the lab as to include copy paste mistakes, bat dna, pangolin dna, rice dna, mice dna, & nobody should use it to form conclusions until it's properly vetted

2 (cont)
"sequence is incomplete & provided segment doesn't function. The identified markers suggest partial match basis & actual virus itself as described by the sequence can't functionally exist due to incoherent structures that appear to be the result of sample contamination"

3. RaTG13 integrity is further attacked here:
The Validity of critical pieces of evidence for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2 is Dubious, and needed to be

4. and here:
Major Concerns on the Identification of Bat Coronavirus Strain RaTG13 and Quality of Related Nature
1. Mini Thread on Conflicts of Interest involving the authors of the Nature Toilet Paper:
Kristian G. Andersen
Andrew Rambaut
Ian Lipkin
Edward C. Holmes
Robert F. Garry

2. Thanks to @newboxer007 for forwarding the link to the research by an Australian in Taiwan (not on

3. K.Andersen didn't mention "competing interests"
Only Garry listed Zalgen Labs, which we will look at later.
In acknowledgements, Michael Farzan, Wellcome Trust, NIH, ERC & ARC are mentioned.
Author affiliations listed as usual.
Note the 328 Citations!

4. Kristian Andersen (1)
Andersen worked with USAMRIID & Fort Detrick scientists on research, with Robert Garry, Jens Kuhn & Sina Bavari among

5. Kristian Andersen (2)
Works at Scripps Research Institute, which WAS in serious financial trouble, haemorrhaging 20 million $ a year.
But just when the first virus cases were emerging, they received great news.
They issued a press release dated November 27, 2019:

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#ஆதித்தியஹ்ருதயம் ஸ்தோத்திரம்
இது சூரிய குலத்தில் உதித்த இராமபிரானுக்கு தமிழ் முனிவர் அகத்தியர் உபதேசித்ததாக வால்மீகி இராமாயணத்தில் வருகிறது. ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதயத்தைத் தினமும் ஓதினால் பெரும் பயன் பெறலாம் என மகான்களும் ஞானிகளும் காலம் காலமாகக் கூறி வருகின்றனர். ராம-ராவண யுத்தத்தை

தேவர்களுடன் சேர்ந்து பார்க்க வந்திருந்த அகத்தியர், அப்போது போரினால் களைத்து, கவலையுடன் காணப்பட்ட ராமபிரானை அணுகி, மனிதர்களிலேயே சிறந்தவனான ராமா போரில் எந்த மந்திரத்தைப் பாராயணம் செய்தால் எல்லா பகைவர்களையும் வெல்ல முடியுமோ அந்த ரகசிய மந்திரத்தை, வேதத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளதை உனக்கு

நான் உபதேசிக்கிறேன், கேள் என்று கூறி உபதேசித்தார். முதல் இரு சுலோகங்கள் சூழ்நிலையை விவரிக்கின்றன. மூன்றாவது சுலோகம் அகத்தியர் இராமபிரானை விளித்துக் கூறுவதாக அமைந்திருக்கிறது. நான்காவது சுலோகம் முதல் முப்பதாம் சுலோகம் வரை ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதயம் என்னும் நூல். முப்பத்தி ஒன்றாம் சுலோகம்

இந்தத் துதியால் மகிழ்ந்த சூரியன் இராமனை வாழ்த்துவதைக் கூறுவதாக அமைந்திருக்கிறது.
ஐந்தாவது ஸ்லோகம்:
ஸர்வ மங்கள் மாங்கல்யம் ஸர்வ பாப ப்ரநாசனம்
சிந்தா சோக ப்ரசமனம் ஆயுர் வர்த்தனம் உத்தமம்
பொருள்: இந்த அதித்ய ஹ்ருதயம் என்ற துதி மங்களங்களில் சிறந்தது, பாவங்களையும் கவலைகளையும்

குழப்பங்களையும் நீக்குவது, வாழ்நாளை நீட்டிப்பது, மிகவும் சிறந்தது. இதயத்தில் வசிக்கும் பகவானுடைய அனுக்ரகத்தை அளிப்பதாகும்.
முழு ஸ்லோக லிங்க் பொருளுடன் இங்கே உள்ளது
சூரியன் உலக இயக்கத்திற்கு மிக முக்கியமானவர். சூரிய சக்தியால்தான் ஜீவராசிகள், பயிர்கள்

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@franciscodeasis https://t.co/OuQaBRFPu7
Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!

https://t.co/4wC7k1Lh54 Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?