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This thread is about the top reasons why most traders fail. If you want more finance and business related threads on regular basis,don't forget to retweet and share with your friends.

1. Negligence of risk management
While we can't foresee what the business sectors will do before long, hours, or days, however we do have full power over our danger levels at some random time. Risk management not just includes stop loss but also avoiding unnecessary trades.
2. Not having it planned out
A philosophy, or set of rules, is necessary. The business sectors can be tumultuous and confounding, particularly for somebody without a particular game plan that can be utilized over and over. Hence,planning essentially is going to help in any case.
3. Wanting to be always right
Numerous unpracticed informal investors center a lot around their triumphant rate. There will be times when you'll question your trading abilities, or even think whether trading is the correct occupation for you. No one is right always,cut losses.
4. Bad risk-to-reward ratio
There are two reasons traders end up with a poor risk-to-reward ratio:
a. They don't have an exit plan and rather essentially respond to the market without doing maths.

b. They can't hold their winnersโ€ฆ yet they hold their losers.
5. Not sticking to a trading strategy
Numerous informal investors, particularly in their initial days, hop starting with one trading/investing system then onto the next.
They spend too little energy to get comfortable with one setup only.
6. Lack of discipline
Discipline is the foundation. It takes control to follow your technique, execute your trades at the perfect time, and close them at the most ideal time,some time cost to cost or mil loss.
Without rules, there just can't be discipline.
7. Keeping losing trade and getting rid of winning ones
A major issue with most is that they don't cut loses quickly unless it become emotionally unbearable.
You need to do that ASAP else you will hurt your folio & trail your winners.
Overtrading is another significant motivation behind why most traders fall flat. Overtrading alludes to taking an excessive number of unverified trades with a lot of size. Make a rule of max number of trades you will take on any particular day & stick to it.
There are more threads on the way. If you want more,don't forget to retweet for a wider reach!
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The entire thread summarizes some important rules with respect to investing. Inspired by legendary traders,these will not only help you to grow wealth,but also make a smart investor. Hope you would like the thread & shower some love

Rule 1: Bulls, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered so chose your category wisely
Rule 2: It's OK to Pay the Taxes,Dont just wait for a 10% LTCG always. Sometimes you know it won't pay you
Rule 3: Don't Buy All at Once,Have patience market will give enough opportunities

Rule 4: Buy Damaged Stocks, Not Damaged Companies. Understand the diff b/w undervalued stocks and no value stocks. Everything cheap is not bargain,it could be trap.
Rule 5: Diversify to Control Risk,make sure you don't put everything into one stock,one sector or one asset class.

Rule 6: Do Your Stock Homework. You spend 5 hours to buy a cream on Amazon but research for 1 hr based on buying a stock on twitter! Well,do your homework.

Rule 7: No One Made a Dime by Panicking .Invest 2-10% and leave rest. If it falls,pain will be low,if moves,no FOMO haunt

Rule 8: Buy Best-of-Breed Companies,This doesnt mean you have to invest in the most expensive companies,all it means is you need to buy co.s with good earnings,promoters and sustainability
Rule 9: Defend Some Stocks, Not All
Rule 10: Bad Buys Won't Become Takeovers,STOP hoping

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