According to ancient Hindu Scriptures,the Sri Yantra is the symbol of Hindu Tantra,which is based on Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism.Sri Yantra is the object of devotion in Sri Vidya.
Few of the important Yantras r Ganesh,Meru,Saraswati Yantra.

A Yantra in the Hindu tradition is, literally a device for spiritual advancement.The Sri Yantra is, in fact, the central object of worship in at least one important Hindu cult, but beyond its specific context,the Sri Yantra embodies profound philosophical understandings.
That makes it a powerful source of inspiration.Each design element of the Sri Yantra has special philosophical significance.The dot in the very center is representative of the Source of the universe; this dot,or bindu,is the "singularity" from which all manifest reality emerges.
From one point of view, the design is representative of the evolution of the universe itself from its mysterious beginnings, charting its many levels.
The Sri Yantra in its central portion contains nine triangles.
Four of them point upward &represent unmanifest power of the universe;all that is beyond our sense perceptions.They r thought of as being masculine &represent masculine aspect of divinity. Five downward-pointing triangles represent divine feminine &manifest aspects of the world.
B'coz Sri Yantr forms a unity,divine masculine&feminine in erotic embrace(its exactly how Hindu tradition understands them),we must realize dat transcendent reality,wether u call it God,Goddess or Perfect Emptiness(as in Buddhism)is always intimately intertwined in all dat we see
God or Goddess is not a sacred beyond, but the very fiber and life of our existence here. The world is not to be seen as separate from the transcendent Truth, but as an expression of that truth in phenomenal form. What is sacred then, is not merely what is beyond our perception.
But everything that is present here in this world, all our actions, our emotions, our thoughts. The notion of the integration of the body, mind and spirit are symbolized and indicated by the Sri Yantra.
It should be mentioned that from the other point of view the Sri Yantra is understood to be the Mother of the Universe herself, the incarnate Goddess who both embodies and transcends time.
In a world where the male divinity and all that is male has had primacy for a very long time , this design can be seen as the very embodiment of a challenge to patriarchy and to the masculinist world we live in.

🙏 Jaitu Sanatan 🙏

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🌺श्री गरुड़ पुराण - संक्षिप्त वर्णन🌺

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प्रथम भाग में विष्णुभक्ति और पूजा विधियों का उल्लेख है।

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• Added 20% cap more when in profit
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