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Conscious of the fact that a batallion of "professional" historians & some crazy trolls have begun discrediting me, my work & whatever I said at @IndiaToday conclave with Dr @ShashiTharoor & @sardesairajdeep . Selective screenshots of NCERT books (usual ploy!) to prove falsehood+

Have been used. If such fakery & sleight of hand can be done on social media pity their students who suffer this on a daily basis!
Given below are links of entire books of NCERT :
Class 6:
Class 7: https://t.co/hVXMjSZ9mW
Class 8:

Anyone can download entire books & see my point proved amply. Class 7 textbook has merely a map in chp 2, pp 16 that just states names of southern dynasties like Rashtrakutas, Pandyas etc. Some hiranyagarbha myth cited to make Rashtrakutas & their brahmin priests appear foolish

On Cholas in same chp they apparently had 400 types of oppressive taxes- of course jizia later was benign! Cholas are disposed off in 3 pages flat. Apparently Mahmud Ghazni was v interested in finding out more about the ppl he conquered & so got Albiruni to write a book (pg 21)+

Bolstering my point of Delhi centricity while all these great kingdoms are disposed off in 2-3 pgs, chp 3 is fully devoted to the "Delhi Sultans" - what their contribution to this country is no one knows, but their tyranny remains unmentioned +
Ancient Indian Chemists !!

पूर्व काल में भारत में अनेक रसायनज्ञ हुए

नागार्जुन-रसरत्नाकर ,कक्षपुटतंत्र, आरोग्य मंजरी, योग सार, योगाष्टक

वाग्भट्ट - रसरत्न समुच्चय

गोविंदाचार्य - रसार्णव

यशोधर - रस प्रकाश सुधाकर

रामचन्द्र - रसेन्द्र चिंतामणि

सोमदेव- रसेन्द्र चूड़ामणि


Nagarjuna can be called wizard of Chemistry and Super Metallurgist

सनातन कालीन परिप्रेक्ष्य में रसायन एवं धातु कर्म विज्ञान के सन्दर्भ में नागार्जुन का नाम अमर है

इन्होने विभिन्न धातुओं को सोने में बदलने की विधि का वर्णन किया था. एवं इसका सफलतापूर्वक प्रदर्शन भी किया था


नागार्जुन ने रसायन शास्त्र और धातु विज्ञान पर बहुत शोध कार्य किया

इन्होंने कई पुस्तकों की रचना की जिनमें ‘रस रत्नाकर’ और ‘रसेन्द्र मंगल’ बहुत प्रसिद्ध हैं

चिकित्सा विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में इनकी प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकें ‘कक्षपुटतंत्र’, ‘आरोग्य मंजरी’, ‘योग सार’ और ‘योगाष्टक’ हैं।


रस रत्नाकर ग्रंथ में मुख्य रस

(१) महारस
(२) उपरस
(३) सामान्यरस
(४) रत्न
(५) धातु
(६) विष
(७) क्षार
(८) अम्ल
(९) लवण
(१०) भस्म

(१) अभ्रं
(२) वैक्रान्त
(३) भाषिक
(४) विमला
(५) शिलाजतु
(६) सास्यक
(८) रसक


(१) गंधक
(२) गैरिक
(३) काशिस
(४) सुवरि
(५) लालक
(६) मन: शिला
(७) अंजन
(८) कंकुष्ठ

सामान्य रस
(१) कोयिला
(२) गौरीपाषाण
(३) नवसार
(४) वराटक
(५) अग्निजार
(६) लाजवर्त
(७) गिरि सिंदूर
(८) हिंगुल
(९) मुर्दाड श्रंगकम्‌

इसी प्रकार दस से अधिक प्रकार के विष हैं।

Lol fool.

Sewa is the religious duty of every Hindu. One of the Duties of Brahmin is to take alms and give alms to needy in form of wealth, knowledge etc.

Ever heard about King Rantideva ?
His kingdom was struck by famine, he fasted for 48 days. He gave his water food to needy

The king said, “I take up their sufferings,so that they may get rid of misery”

Read Bala Kanda of Ramayana
स्वकर्मनिरता नित्यं ब्राह्मणा विजितेन्द्रियाः | दानाध्यानशीलाश्च संयताश्च प्रतिग्रहे || १-६-१३

Brahmin donate the vedic knowledge to their students.

Whether it was king Harshavardhana or the king of Thanjavur each of them did the sewa of people.

Leave a side of brahmins and Rajputs.
Even Vaishya use to do sewa of people by providing them free food, Medicine and

Even the farmers irrespective of their Varna use to donate the grains to celebrate the victory of Kings.

Sudra kings like Sevappa Nayaka, Prolaya Vema Reddy have done Sewa of God and all the Hindus.

Hindus not just use to do sewa of Hindus but also to the Animals.
Animals like Holy Cows, Bull, Ox, etc all are worshipped and sewa is done.

Still, Every Hindu feed food first to God, then to the cow, and then they eat.
सूत्रसूत्रम्। Thread of Threads 😁

संस्कृतपठनार्थं कानिचन सूत्राणि अत्र स्थापयामि।

Creating a master thread to help सहृदयाः find relevant Samskrita threads

जयतु संस्कृतम्। जयतु भारतम्।

Starts with the most important thread:


#१ How do I start learning Samskritam?

#२ How do I learn Samskritam in my mother tongue? Pradeshika Bhasha options!

#३ Textbooks & sources for learning Samskritam

A comprehensive, downloadable list of all Samskrita text books from Indian School / State boards

#४ Dictionaries, tools & apps for the Samskritam Student