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1/n #SadarPranam to Ishvara within you @dhume

Once, it was considered that Greece was "mother of democracy". But recent discoveries have contested

If not all, "Democracy" seems to have certainly originated first in India as/ latest researches.


2/n We came across the Rakhigarhi Excavations.

It took the whole world by shock for the revelations it brought.

It happened to be a civilization (6.5+2.0) KY BP*

*Thousand years before present

3/n Here as stated by Dr Shinde, the Panchayat found on the site is around 5.5 KYBP.

We do not find any evidence of Monarchical Set-Up across any Indus Saraswati Civilization belt.

4/n Now, it becomes very interesting to observe that even though it was a notion that Greeks gave democracy to world.

Diodorus who is said to have visited India, around 2 centuries after Alexander talks that high level democracy of Indians was peculiar to Greeks (Diodorus 2.39)

5/n It was peculiar as Diodorous noted "No Slavery."

Slavery was very much predominant in West. In fact, Plato defines Mathematics with notion of "Slave's Soul." @dhume aware of it?

So how can a society with Slaves be considered "DEMOCRATIC"?
Shri @RahulGandhi speaking at #UNGA via his Pakistani supporters

If you think that Dismantling Hindutva Conference or increasingly vocal groups based out of US and elsewhere are all splinter groups then, you are wrong: there is a a method to this madness- RSS and Hindutva word is being used by @RahulGandhi & his Pakistani allies @ every stage

Here is a thread that I wrote recently about how Congress, Pakistan and its zeehadi structures are all conniving with each other to malign democratically elected Govt of PM @narendramodi - this template has @RahulGandhi written all over it

Use of words Fascists, Nazis, Hindutva, RSS and BJP in same sentence is all a design - imagine how Dalits are being singled out as a minority!
Ever since @bjp4India became a force to reckon with in 90s, one narrative that we grew up with after it was thrusted down our throats was that BJP is a Hindu Nationalist Party.

For Indira, BJP was a Baniya party and this Hindu identity was courtesy western media & continues!

The fixation of western media to allocate identities to political movements is ltd to non Christian countries ONLY-reason y US, despite Presidents taking oath under Bible or European countries ruled by several Christian parties,none of them is identified as disparagingly as BJP!

As majority of Muslim nations don’t have democracy so media is not obligated to call them so; in Muslim countries with some semblance of democracy- for ex in Pak, neither PMLN nor PPP is identified as disparagingly as BJP in India. Ditto for BD. Not much diff is case of Turkey!

So why is BJP identified with the majority religion of the country ?

Reason lies in d fact that for longest of times, west has developed a working relationship with Cong and its status-quoist approach. They know that Cong has NO ambition to give India its rightful place; BJP has

Prog of every party is known in advance & so is ideology. You can ask anyone about past narrative of Indian politics - Indira never called BJP a Hindu party- she uses to identify it as Baniya party and taking cue from her, India media used to do the same- so when did it change?
"Women are lustful, wasteful, vile, degraded woe bringers"- Buddha

“The learning found among women forms the conclusion of dharma... one should learn the remaining Dharmas from women and people of all classes"-- Apastamba Dharmasutra 2.29.11 (Hindu)

A Buddhist monk falls in love with a woman.

Buddha asks him-"Brother, why are you in love with a woman.

Women are lustful, wasteful, vile, degraded woe bringers".

And then he tells the story about how wicked a woman can be.

Asatamanta jataka:


"Women are treacherous ingrates" -Buddha.

Takka Jataka


"Wrathful are women, slanderers, ingrates,
The sowers of dissension and fell strife!
Then, Brother, tread the path of holiness,
And Bliss therein thou shalt not fail to find"- Buddha

Source: Takka Jataka


Those who are doubting the English translation by Sanskrit professor Cowell (published by Cambridge university press) should look up the Hindi translation published by Hindi Sahitya Sammelan

"स्त्रियां अकृतज्ञ होती है"-गौतम बुद्ध
Cut the crap!

Your stupid & dishonest verbal gimmicks notwithstanding, the undeniable fact is that Buddha indeed compared Brahmins to dogs & concluded dogs were better.

Even traditional commentary on the verse says "Buddha comes Dogs to Brahmins, and Dogs come out better" https://t.co/1Aks88MSMX

To begin with, even the name of the Sutta is "Sona Sutta"( Dog sutta).

But this Sutta has nothing to do with Dogs. It is a rant against Brahmins. Dogs feature only when they have to be compared with Brahmins.

And every comparison concludes that Dogs were better than Brahmins

What is this Sutta about?

It is about Buddha's stereotyping and generalisation against Brahmins.

He begins by saying that Brahmins of his time mated with females of all backgrounds. He compares Brahmin sexual mating pattern with that of dogs.

Here Buddha condemns Brahmins of his time for intermarrying with other varnas/communities and compares them with dogs who mate with every breed.

This is not an innocent comparison. Sexual behaviour of dogs is known for its licentiousness and

This is the reason why words like "k*tti", "bit*h" denoting dogs is used as a grave sexual insult.

Although modern Buddhists flaunt egalitarianism now, for the historic Buddha intercaste marriage was a horror that amounted to licentious social behavior resembling dogs.