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A hypocritic Hinduphobe who calls himself a Brahmin has said he'll stop supporting Congress if someone points him to at least one instance where RaGa lied.
Let us see if he stands on his

RaGa: "Have you seen a picture of Mohan Bhagwat with any woman? Impossible!"

RaGa along with #Dabbajan fooling people into believing that "#Dabbajan was badly hurt after falling off the

This is an assortment of lies + damn lies + stupidity + only rattofied answers. And yes, Ambani-Adani should have fought for freedom. Yeh pappu ya isska baap bhi freedom fighter nahin rahein

"Have you seen Made in Rajasthan, Made in Dungarpur mobile phones

This Thread is MYTHBUSTER of all Misconceptions related to Sanatan dharm which many people have misconception and also make fun and by this few Innocent Hindus start believing them. Plz share with all Sanatanis so even they can read and understand about these topics.

I have mentioned all topics with proper sources.

Bookmark this for your reference.

First read the scriptures properly before making fun or coming to a conclusion. I repeat again do not belive on TV serials, Internet posts, Whatsapp forwards, Wikipedia etc, So lets start.....

You wanna make fun of my Bhagwan Krishna Chirharan Leela then see this

You wanna make fun of Saraswati mata and Brahma ji relationship then see this first

You wanna make fun of Raas leela then see this