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If you wish to learn abt trading,psychology,options,business etc
You can go through this thread.
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1. Threads to learn Options

2. https://t.co/OIDenHKdWN

3. Some core rules to investing

4.Summing up 2020 Trading lessons

5.Effects of margin change on

6. Exciting story about a trader who destroyed a Bank

7. Some Thought Provoking facts about stock markets

8. A dose on Trading and investing

9. Top 5 resources to learn everything about stocks

10. Some Pro Tips on Trading

11. Wisdom on stuffs you should not do

12. Reasons why you are losing the

13. The DARK side of stock market

14. Stocks where you should NOT invest

15. Lessons from MILLIONAIRE trader

16. Lessons from my
1. This legendary $36k call trade led me down a rabbit hole into the world of higher order option greeks to analyze this trade using past historical data. This was a good learning opportunity and I wanted to share some stuff I've been

2. The $36k JAN-29-2021 calls began trading on @DeribitExchange on Oct. 31, 2020 and had an initial delta of around 3%. At this time, BTC’s index price was trading around $13.5k. On this date, it seemed like a long shot that prices could do a ~3x within 90 days.

3. My guess is the buyer of these calls was trading a re-pricing of risk as opposed to speculating that the price of BTC would actually be >= $36k on Jan 29/2021 (one thing we can say with confidence is they were smart and used @tradeparadigm to avoid massive slippage).

4. This thread does an excellent job explaining how traders can make money by trading relative probabilities.

5. If the trader believed the market was pricing too low of a probability for an option reaching ITM, they could purchase options with the intention of selling them before maturity once the market’s expectations become more bullish (as we’ve seen over the past few weeks).