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5 threads for a beginner in Web3, Crypto, NFTs 🚀

+ a BONUS at the end! 😍

1. Why Web3 matters by

2. WTF is Web 3 by @hey_bernie

3. What is NFT in simple terms by @digitalpratik

4. Demystifying NFTs by @naval
Learn JavaScript by Playing games 🔥

A Thread 🧵👇️


Write JavaScript to control a robot to collect coins, avoid obstacles and reach the flag at the end of the level.


Screeps is an open-source game for programmers. You control your colony by writing JavaScript.


Elevator Saga test JavaScript knowledge with challenge, it focus on moving an elevator in most efficient manner


By completing dares, you learn programming. These are short puzzles in which you have to copy the example code in as few lines as possible. The difficulty increases as you progress.
Useful GitHub Repositories every developer should know 🔥

List of 15 awesome GitHub repositories to save hours and increase productivity as a Web Developer.

A Thread 🧵👇


Useful visual roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021.

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Useful lists about all kinds of interesting topics and technologies.

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Freely available programming books for all technologies.

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Useful computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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Are you a Frontend Web Developer?

Here are 15 amazing websites to save you 10+ hours every week.

A Thread 🧵👇


30 seconds of code has collections of short code snippets for a variety of languages.

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Glitch helps to create your next web project in browser with no setup and instant deployment.

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GTmetrix helps to know how your site performs, reveal why it's slow, and discover optimization opportunities.

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Unscreen helps to remove background from any video or GIF.

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Git is used in a ton of places. Companies, SaaS, open-source projects use it to work, collaborate and maintain their projects.

All the git commands you would ever need, and also to get you started. Here's a thread for you.

Let's explore all the commands.

This thread is continuation for my thread on Git for everyone, where I explained all about git.

If you haven't checked that out, and if you're willing to, Please do. Appreciate it, Here's the link.

1/ Initializing git in project

This is the command, you would always need. This initializes git, along with it's structure for tracking and managing files, folders and code.

You cannot use any other command, if not initialized.

2/ Adding files to staging

Now, we've initialized repo, and Created files. We have to move the files to staging, before commiting them.

Turns out, there are a lot of ways to do it.

3/ Track changes, and Get info about staging stage

Once we've added files, folders and other things to staging, We have the need to ensure everything's correct, or check if there's something wrong, or keep track.

Git allows to display all the changes, additions, and deletions.