Thread: Interesting to see the excuse factory already being out to work to make Zarif’s grotesque conspiracy theory about Israel palatable. Reasonable people explaining and excusing a conspiracy about Israel attacking the US to cause a war.

Iran’s Zarif plays on historic western antisemitism to push these gross views, arguing that the very militias that it empowers in Iraq and which openly carried out dozens of attacks over the last year are now “Israel fake casus belli”....
It’s one thing for Iran to complain about the US...or slam Israel, but to push a gross conspiracy about Israel attacking the US in Iraq to cause a war in Iran is disgusting and should be condemned but because Iran’s regime always gets a pass it won’t.
This horrid regime that executed a wrestler, that kidnapped and murdered a journalist...that imprisons people for things like dancing/singing...the kind of people who are in league with excusing it at every turn are are the worst.
These same people would rightly call out conspiracy theories in the west but they don’t hold Iran to an equal standard because of their coddling Orientalist gross adoration for the regime. So the regime’s awful propagandists get a pass for every wild conspiracy and thuggishness
You think Zarif doesn’t know what he is doing tweeting this in English? He doesn’t even believe it back home speaking Farsi...only for a western audience to spread conspiracies rooted in the Elders of Zion; and we’ve seen it before in West
Similar to Mahathir’s vicious 2003 speech about “they get others to fight and die for them”....the same hate
This horrid regime is the one that holds Holocaust denial contests and yet it always gets excuses. Shame. At least hold it to some standard.
It’s always the same type of reasoning;
And here is his gross tweet

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