195 #terrorists neutralized in 86 operations this year in #Jammu & #Kashmir. #Pakistan in Panic.
Year 2020 saw an all out assault on terror outfits including crackdown on terror-funding, OGWs as well as clampdown on separatists supporting these terror outfits.

Some of the top #terrorists eliminated this year included Hizbul’s Commander Reyaz Naiko, Junaid Sehrai, Dr Saifullah, Sajad Nawabi, Asif Dar, AGH Commander Burhan Koka, Tahir Bhat, IED expert Ikram alias Faujibhai, Zubair Wani, Waleed & Jaish #Kashmir Chief Qari Yasir.
Such coordinated actions has left the terror outfits in #Kashmir with no leadership, no money or weapons. Todays most of the new recruits are running around with country made/Chinese pistols.
Rattled by #Indian security forces relentless operations against terrorism in #Kashmir, #Pakistan is showing clear signs of desperation by resorting to more than 4000 ceasefire violations this year, highest in last 2 decades.
#Pakistan even resorted to new methods to smuggle weapons across the border by using drones and digging long tunnels across LC. Each such attempt was comprehensively thwarted by the every vigilant #IndianArmy.
And to add insult to the injury for #Pakistan, the successful conduct of #DDCElections2020 which saw overwhelming participation from the people of #Kashmir, leaving Pakistan’s false narrative of Kashmir shamelessly exposed in the world community.
#Pakistan tried its best to disrupt the #DDCElections in #Kashmir by sending heavily armed terrorists across the LC to sabotage the elections, but these #terrorists were intercepted and neutralized by #IndianArmy in #Nagrota averting a major terror attack.
The successful completion of the 8th & final phase of #DDCElections which saw common #Kashmiris coming out to caste their vote to show their trust in democracy has left #Pakistan in panic..
..perhaps that only can explain #Pakistan's Foreign Minister’s scandalous allegations against India, accusing it of planning surgical strike in #Pakistan.

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The first ever world map was sketched thousands of years ago by Indian saint
“Ramanujacharya” who simply translated the following verse from Mahabharat and gave the world its real face

In Mahabharat,it is described how 'Maharishi Ved Vyasa' gave away his divine vision to Sanjay

Dhritarashtra's charioteer so that he could describe him the events of the upcoming war.

But, even before questions of war could begin, Dhritarashtra asked him to describe how the world looks like from space.

This is how he described the face of the world:

सुदर्शनं प्रवक्ष्यामि द्वीपं तु कुरुनन्दन। परिमण्डलो महाराज द्वीपोऽसौ चक्रसंस्थितः॥
यथा हि पुरुषः पश्येदादर्शे मुखमात्मनः। एवं सुदर्शनद्वीपो दृश्यते चन्द्रमण्डले॥ द्विरंशे पिप्पलस्तत्र द्विरंशे च शशो महान्।

—वेद व्यास, भीष्म पर्व, महाभारत


हे कुरुनन्दन ! सुदर्शन नामक यह द्वीप चक्र की भाँति गोलाकार स्थित है, जैसे पुरुष दर्पण में अपना मुख देखता है, उसी प्रकार यह द्वीप चन्द्रमण्डल में दिखायी देता है। इसके दो अंशो मे पीपल और दो अंशो मे विशाल शश (खरगोश) दिखायी देता है।

Meaning: "Just like a man sees his face in the mirror, so does the Earth appears in the Universe. In the first part you see leaves of the Peepal Tree, and in the next part you see a Rabbit."

Based on this shloka, Saint Ramanujacharya sketched out the map, but the world laughed