People frustrated with the negative sides of Twitter sometimes ask me what they can do about it. Here's a thread with some ideas.

Whether you have 100 followers or a million, you can do something to help… 📢

1) Don't share the ugly stuff, not even to expose its ugliness, if it’s just powerless fools looking for attention. (If you just can’t help yourself, use a screenshot, never a link or RT.)
Do expose the ugly stuff from elected officials and others with power. Frame your tweets to be clear you are calling it out. And use a screenshot, not a link or RT, so you don’t send them any clicks of encouragement.
2) Don’t repeat the framing of the hate-mongers. If someone says, “all Ruritanians are terrorists”, do not reply, “no, Ruritanians are not terrorists”, because all you’re doing is repeating the connection between the word, “Ruritanian”, and “terrorist”.
3) Never share links to hateful headlines & clickbait fishing for outrage clicks. Don’t be a sucker. (If you just can’t help yourself, call it out with a screenshot, so you don’t encourage click-seeking media outlets to deliver more of the same.)
4) Do share links to good stuff. Every time you click on a link to an article, you are casting a vote for that article (whether you actually like the article or not). Editors & media executives want clicks – they tally those votes. Always click and share links with that in mind.
Your “votes” truly matter to them. Their business model (or at least part of it) is based on clicks they can deliver for advertisers. Click on the good stuff, and get others to do the same.
Click the links to good-sounding tweets even if you don’t have time to read the whole article. This at least tells the social media people & headline writers that the right language, saying the right things, will attract clicks.
Think of clicking on links and retweeting as encouraging the behaviours (and type of language & story focus) you want to see in future.
5) Given all that, don’t just “like” things when you know you should retweet them. Don’t worry you’re tweeting too much or repeating yourself. It won’t hurt you, and you encourage more clicks for the good stuff. 👍
6) Don’t waste your time arguing with anonymous trolls. Seriously, it is never worth your time, which they are deliberately trying to waste. Go click on good stuff and RT good messages instead – that’s far more productive.
7) Block early & often. Blocking prevents trolls and propagandists from using your replies for their nonsense in future. Your replies are your space; don’t let others spread lies & hate in the spaces you control.

My guide:
8) Report tweets and accounts to Twitter that are in violation of their rules, especially regarding hate speech, incitement and threats against you or others.

More from Twitter

The twitter ban on 45 is a victory in some sense for the immediate but a warning in the long term, not on the curtail of free speech but as gesture towards the expansive power commercial tech has on every aspect of our governance and our lives, I don’t quite have the words but-

What I’m trying to get at, is not just that Twitter’s decision allows us to see—in ways that have been obscured—how much control they have over content moderation—

but as @Elinor_Carmi points out “platforms don’t just moderate or filter “content”; they alter what registers to us and our social groups as “social” or as “experience.” changed

I’m worried that the celebration of Twitter’s intervention on fascist rhetoric-however too little and too late- directs us to desire tech companies enforcement of liberal and democratic procedures rather than towards an investigation of

how they’ve developed computational infrastructures which exceed the power of the nation state, are hollowing out our institutions for frictionless (see removing human contact) optimization and are insufficiently described by neoliberalism
So regarding to my "bombshell"'s perhaps a bit less dramatic than many presumed, yet it still troubles me a lot, to the point that I wondered whether I should stop posting on certain things

You see, I realized in the last few months that, by translating information and news related to one of the fastest growing spaceflight powers of the world...I inadvertently became a spreader of PRC propaganda.

And with me exactly 180 degrees away from them, I feel scared.

It actually started a few years ago - it's not hard to meet Chinese Twitter users interested in spaceflight, either those living overseas or find a way to climb over the wall. Not surprisingly, many of these S/F enthusiasts are interested in their own military too.

This steadily grew with my followers' count until the flagship Chinese spaceflight missions of 2020 (Chang'e 5 especially but also many others) brought in dozens of them liking/re-tweeting my info tweets sometimes, and similar no. of such followers every month.

I do casually check these new followers/users sometimes. To my horror, far too many of them routinely insults, attacks, mocks others who they see as "anti-China" or spread potential mis-information, even blatant attacks, that started off w/ their state media/spokesperson.

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Russia hasn't been a willing partner in this treaty for almost 3 decades. We should have ended the pretense long ago.

Naturally, Rand Paul is telling anyone who will listen to him that Trump is making a HUGE MISTAKE here.

Rand is just like his dad, Ron. 100% isolationist.

They've never grasped that 100% isolationist is not 'America First' when you examine it. It really means 'America Alone'.

The consistent grousing of pursuing military alliances with allies - like Trump is doing now with Saudi Arabia.

So of course Rand has also spent the last 2 days loudly calling for Trump to kill the arms deal with Saudi Arabia and end our alliance with them.

What Obama was engineering with his foreign policy was de facto isolationism: pull all the troops out of the ME, abandon the region to Iranian control as a client state of Russia.

Obama wasn't building an alliance with Iran; he was facilitating abandoning the ME to Iran.

Obama wouldn't even leave behind a token security force, so of course what happened was the rise of ISIS. He also pumped billions of dollars into the Iranian coffers, which the Mullah's used to fund destabilizing activity [wars/terrorism] & criminal enterprises all over the globe
Margatha Natarajar murthi - Uthirakosamangai temple near Ramanathapuram,TN
Unique Natarajar made of emerlad is abt 6 feet tall.
It is always covered with sandal paste.Only on Thriuvadhirai Star in month Margazhi-Nataraja can be worshipped without sandal paste.

After removing the sandal paste,day long rituals & various abhishekam will be day Maragatha Nataraja sannandhi will be closed after anointing the murthi with fresh sandal paste.Maragatha Natarajar is covered with sandal paste throughout the year

as Emerald has scientific property of its molecules getting disturbed when exposed to light/water/sound.This is an ancient Shiva temple considered to be 3000 years old -believed to be where Bhagwan Shiva gave Veda gyaana to Parvati Devi.This temple has some stunning sculptures.