All spring and summer I was resentful of twitter "leftists" for their conduct during the primaries. There are many things, and they were all absurd, but the most absurd was when those lunatics turned on AOC for complimenting Liz Warren on a fucking SNL cameo.

Then I hated "leftists" for personal stuff. Long story short some nutjob leftists think I'm rich bc I'm a tv writer. They're stupid. Oh, and I'm evil, a trait apparently inherited from my mom whom "leftists" told me was evil for being a landlord of the 3 family house she lives in
Well, I do look like exactly my mom. And I'm evil because I told ppl not all landlords are rich slumlords, so if you can afford to, pay rent.
But it all really hit me when Kamala was announced as the VP pick. The first black woman San Francisco AG, California AG, AND VP pick. FIRST. HBCU grad and everything. And "leftists" acted like she aint shit. Like we werent supposed to be proud of her accomplishments.
I was so proud of her. And twitter had so warped my brain on what "progressivism" looked like, that in my attempts to pass purity tests, i muted my enthusiasm for her. I'm so disappointed in myself.
Mom was so proud. Told me that she immigrated here with Kamala's accomplishments in mind for her kids. She was VERY VERY proud. So were lots of my off twitter friends and family. That's another thing. "Leftists" are often shocked when the real world doesn't look like twitter.
it coincides with their not knowing how politics works. WHY ISN'T THE STIMULUS CHECK BIGGER? I dunno, bc you abstained from voting for moral (lol) reasons and when the republicans win and have power there isn't much democrats can do?
But if you ask "leftists" it's Nancy Pelosi's fault. Twitter search the word "significant" and see how many "leftists" ridiculed her for saying $600 is significant w/o reading the full quote or isolating that word "significant" in bad faith.
Nancy actually said “I’d like them to have been bigger, but they are significant” Does that sound like a bitch who thinks $600 is lit? Or is she trying to sell a plan we're stuck w/ bc Mitch is Senate leader and Ron Johnson cut the checks in half during debate ON CAMERA?
I know the pandemic/primary made ppl crazy. It made me crazy. And it made me crazy on twitter too. I was arguing with ppl, telling ppl to suck my dick, etc. Mean. Angry. No good. I never wanna be like that again.
Lots of us were being and saying terrible things. But I took a moment to catch my breath and decided to be different. I ain't where I wanna be, but I'm better. Therapy helped. So does Wellbutrin. Also weed, and I blocked a lot of ppl, friends included.
I blocked a (former?) friend bc when Kamala was announced as VP pick, she tweeted something like, yay! make women of color war criminals again.

That bothered the fuck outta me. First, bc according to your definition of "war criminal" if Bernie had won, he was gonna be one too. No president of the United States can be 100% pacifist in the real world. It's stupid and childish to believe. America is America bc it's America.
An American president will always do abhorrent shit in our "security interests" and after 4 yrs of silence on Trump's increased drone strikes we're back to shitting on a black guy and the not even in office yet black woman "war criminals"
I was especially offended by that tweet bc it came from a black woman and was RTed mostly by white "leftists" and comedy fans. I liked shorty a lot, but it's not gonna be a black woman shitting on the first black woman VP pick just to pass white ppl's socialism purity test. Yuck.
Which goes back to the race issue w “leftists.” They love black ppl until it’s time not to. Lol. I won’t ever forget this tweet from the son of a McKinsey director and himself a former employee. Lololololololololololololol
Suddenly withheld wages are ni--- excuse me, HBCUs' fault. As if some Amazon workers aren't black. As if HBCUs are undeserving. Wrote using passive voice as if it wasn't the WHITE ex wife of Bezos who GAVE the money or white Bezos who WITHHELD wages. Nope. It's black folk.
HBCUs, mind you, that were created bc PWIs wouldn't admit black folk. They are still underfunded to this day. According to Anand, that's who took from Amazon workers. Not evil Bezos. Negros. lol yeah FUCK YOU.

More from Twitter

So regarding to my "bombshell"'s perhaps a bit less dramatic than many presumed, yet it still troubles me a lot, to the point that I wondered whether I should stop posting on certain things

You see, I realized in the last few months that, by translating information and news related to one of the fastest growing spaceflight powers of the world...I inadvertently became a spreader of PRC propaganda.

And with me exactly 180 degrees away from them, I feel scared.

It actually started a few years ago - it's not hard to meet Chinese Twitter users interested in spaceflight, either those living overseas or find a way to climb over the wall. Not surprisingly, many of these S/F enthusiasts are interested in their own military too.

This steadily grew with my followers' count until the flagship Chinese spaceflight missions of 2020 (Chang'e 5 especially but also many others) brought in dozens of them liking/re-tweeting my info tweets sometimes, and similar no. of such followers every month.

I do casually check these new followers/users sometimes. To my horror, far too many of them routinely insults, attacks, mocks others who they see as "anti-China" or spread potential mis-information, even blatant attacks, that started off w/ their state media/spokesperson.
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dependency Confusion; Adam Curtis on criti-hype; Catalytic converter theft; Apple puts North Dakota on blast; and more!

Archived at:



This weekend, I'll be participating in Boskone 58, Boston's annual sf convention, where I'm doing panels and a reading.


Dependency Confusion: A completely wild supply-chain hack.


Adam Curtis on criti-hype: Big Tech as an epiphenomenon of sociopathic mediocrity, not supergenius.


Catalytic converter theft: Rhodium at $21,900/oz.


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