📱 Over the past 2-3 years, I screenshotted a ton of random tweets about social/product that made me think

Here they are, in chronological order, w highlights from @nikitabier, @BrianNorgard, @rsg, @Mazzeo, @prestonattebery, + many more

(sry for weird twtr cropping + threading)

h/t @Mazzeo
h/t @Mazzeo
h/t @Mazzeo
h/t @Mazzeo
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @jmj
h/t @ianbroyles
h/t @matthieurouif
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @_DanielSinclair
h/t @schlaf
h/t @naval
h/t @TurnerNovak
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @juliey4
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @BrianNorgard & @nikitabier
h/t @JeffChang30
h/t @danielrakh
h/t @neilvoss
h/t @scottbelsky
h/t @dtrinh
h/t @rsg
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @jamesbeshara
h/t @jmj
h/t @eugenewei
h/t @basche42
h/t @hamburger
h/t @genmon
h/t @HipCityReg
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t @gregisenberg
h/t Paari
h/t Paari
h/t @rsg
h/t @libovness
h/t @ibringtraffic
h/t @startuployalist
h/t @juliey4
h/t @gregisenberg
h/t @jmj
h/t @BrianNorgard
h/t Paari
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @rohit_jindal29
h/t @rohit_jindal29
h/t @blakeir
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @benrbn/@nikitabier
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @2irl4u
h/t @simonsarris/@kylebrussell
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @prestonattebery
h/t @WillManidis
h/t @prestonattebery
h/t @prestonattebery
h/t @garrytan
h/t @nikitabier
h/t @TurnerNovak
h/t @spinubzilla
h/t @jacksondahl
...and that's it! Have a bunch of screenshots from articles re. social/product, may post another time

Takeaways from this: I should pay @nikitabier and the rest of you for your tweets. Can't believe this website is free!
also: hopefully this is obvious, but this isn't a comprehensive list of everything that's resonated with me on here...the word "random" in the intro tweet was intentional. Plenty of stuff others have said that I think about all the time

More from Twitter

Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: ADT insider threat; Billionaires think VR stops guillotines; Privacy Without Monopoly; and more!

Archived at: https://t.co/nu1HbReiEX



This Wednesday, I'm giving a talk called "Technology, Self-Determination, and the Future of the Future" for the Purdue University CERIAS Program:



ADT insider threat: If you build it they will spy.



Billionaires think VR stops guillotines: TARP with tasps.



Privacy Without Monopoly: Podcasting a reading of the latest EFF whitepaper.



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It was Ved Vyas who edited the eighteen thousand shlokas of Bhagwat. This book destroys all your sins. It has twelve parts which are like kalpvraksh.

In the first skandh, the importance of Vedvyas

and characters of Pandavas are described by the dialogues between Suutji and Shaunakji. Then there is the story of Parikshit.
Next there is a Brahm Narad dialogue describing the avtaar of Bhagwan. Then the characteristics of Puraan are mentioned.

It also discusses the evolution of universe.(
https://t.co/2aK1AZSC79 )

Next is the portrayal of Vidur and his dialogue with Maitreyji. Then there is a mention of Creation of universe by Brahma and the preachings of Sankhya by Kapil Muni.

In the next section we find the portrayal of Sati, Dhruv, Pruthu, and the story of ancient King, Bahirshi.
In the next section we find the character of King Priyavrat and his sons, different types of loks in this universe, and description of Narak. ( https://t.co/gmDTkLktKS )

In the sixth part we find the portrayal of Ajaamil ( https://t.co/LdVSSNspa2 ), Daksh and the birth of Marudgans( https://t.co/tecNidVckj )

In the seventh section we find the story of Prahlad and the description of Varnashram dharma. This section is based on karma vaasna.