LMM @LifeMathMoney has built one of the strongest brands on Twitter, brilliantly using mental models, here the top 10.


1. Scientific method:

LMM continually tests and monitors the impact of each tweet and blog post.

He measures the impact of their ideas, which are sometimes radical, seeking to have a loyal rather than broad follower base.
2. Leverage:

Everything LMM does is leveraged. Guides, tweets, blog... he writes once and he reaches thousands of people.

He is one of those who best understands that the internet is a huge lever, which allows to disassociate time and money.
3. Compound interest:

LMM has been adding value for 2 years, from the beginning, knowing that time plays in favor of compound interest.

Its growth is brutal, reaching 200k followers. The more people LMM knows, the more his ideas will spread and the stronger his brand will be.
4. Resilience:

LMM writes a lot about the mindset. He knows that resilience, getting over the bad times is the way to success.

In today's society, where everything is effortlessly wanted, LMM relies on the fact that a fall is not fatal, it is just a lesson along the way.
5. Niches:

LMM writes about all the important pillars of life (mentality, health, money, relationships ...) through its very well defined brand.

It is aimed at a specific audience, its niche: young people who want to be successful in all facets of life.
6. Cooperation:

One of LMM's strengths is that it detects value in other brands and, even if they are small, associates with them, through collaborations and affiliates.

Other accounts sell LMM products, and LMM sells products from other brands, increasing the value of both.
7. Meaning of life:

In a society where values and meanings have lost importance, LMM indicates that having a mission is essential for a good life.

His mission is to improve the lives of others and that they find their own mission.
8. Stoicism:

LMM continually relies on mental strength to be able to live a good life and achieve our purposes.

Stoicism is the philosophy that cultivates virtue by accepting that we cannot control the events of life, only our response to them.
9. Antifragility:

LMM indicates that bad times are nothing more than opportunities.

This year with the quarantine, LMM repeated that it was a good time to create an online business.

Improving in bad situations makes you antifragile.
10. Social proof:

LMM has relied on the social success of its products. There is no better proof of a product's quality than customers like it.

The more people like the brand and the products, the more new people it will reach.
If you want to think better, use mental models.

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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

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Archived at: https://t.co/nu1HbReiEX



This Wednesday, I'm giving a talk called "Technology, Self-Determination, and the Future of the Future" for the Purdue University CERIAS Program:



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