So here are some ideas /thoughts. Trump is convinced. The confidence level about election being rigged is at same level as when he was telling people that he was spied on. Everyone laughed said it was crazy... few months later we find out.. its all true.

So, I've been thinking about the 2018 executive order. Specifically the 45 day time period.

2018 Executive Order Executive Order on Election Interference
Break down of procedure of the order.
When I saw all of the changes in DOD it shot off red flags. Trump was moving his people in place to get go through the process of the EO. He doesn't have to do anything its already law BUT the people managing it have to be trusted.
IF the EO is going forward the key person in investigating all of this would be General Nakasone.

Nakasone looks to be tapped for Chris Kreb position from Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Gen. Paul Nakasone, Cybercom and NSA Head, Named to 2020 Wash100 for His Efforts to Advance Cybersecurity Capabilities and Defend U.S. National Security
In September, Nakasone talked about the lessons learned from the 2018 midterm elections and highlighted efforts to prevent foreign interference during a panel at the Intelligence and National Security Summit.
“When we thought about the elections for 2018 last summer, one of the things that we immediately did is we went back and we took a look at 2016.”
Now very interesting coincidence of dates.

Nakasone goes into quarantine. Undisclosed but being military personal has high chance of being at Walter Reed on Oct 6

Trump is also at Walter Reed on Oct 3
Who else quarantined on Oct 3 ? per CBS
Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Vice Chairman
Army Chief of Staff
Naval Operations Chief
Air Force Chief of Staff
CyberCom Commander
SpaceForce Operations Chief
The Chief of the National Guard,
Deputy commandant of the Marine Corps
Everyone is talking shop at Walter Reed? We all saw the video Trump. He looked tired but surprisingly strong for having COVID... Media said he was on steroids…
So back to the 45 days after the election

Nov 4 - Day 1
2020 GSA Calendar -
Looks like on or before December 21st we will see if any of this actually happened ….. I think all the court cases are a smoke screen. Buying time to get this report together. Otherwise the pressure to concede would be too much...
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from Trump

OK, #Squidigation fans, I think we need to talk about the new Wisconsin suit Donald Trump filed - personally - in Federal Court last night. The suit is (as usual) meritless. But it's meritless in new and disturbing ways. This thread will be

Not, I hope, Seth Abramson long. But will see.

I apologize in advance to my wife, who would very much prefer I be billing time (today's a light day, though) and to my assistant, to whom I owe some administrative stuff this will likely keep me from 😃

First, some background. Trump's suit essentially tries to Federalize the Wisconsin Supreme Court complaint his campaign filed, which we discussed here.

If you haven't already, go read that thread. I'm not going to be re-doing the same analysis, and I'm not going to be cross-linking to that discussion as we go. (Sorry, I like you guys, and I see this as public service, but there are limits)

Also, @5DollarFeminist has a good stand-alone thread analyzing the new Federal complaint - it's worth reading as well, though some of the analysis will overlap.
Picking up on @henryfarrell's comments here, one implication of my work on democratic breakdown is that the US should harshly punish GOP leaders who attempted to keep Trump in power despite losing the election and fomented insurrection to advance that effort. 1/n

I wrote a book a decade ago that used game theory to explore the ways democracies die and what that tells us about how and why they sometimes survive. 2/n

One implication of the formal model in that book is that normative commitments to democracy may matter less than expectations about the benefits and costs of trying to subvert democracy. 3/n

It's great when all the major players (ruling party, opposition party, and military) believe democracy is good in itself. If they don't, tho, then what matters most are their beliefs about how easily they can seize power and how costly it would be to try and fail. 4/n

I think it's pretty clear that many key players in the GOP don't see democracy as a good in itself ("we're a republic, not a democracy"). So that shifts their attention to their ability to usurp power and the costs of trying and failing. 5/n

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