1. Military Intelligence contact continued:
• There is video evidence that the Chinese CCP PRINTED 100s of THOUSANDS OF COUNTERFEIT BALLOTS to help the western Deep State & CIA get rid of Trump; there is abundant evidence, including a Chinese professor Li Yi saying in a...

2. ... speech on his YouTube channel 2 months ago in mid-October 2020, that the Covid-19 China virus was an INTENTIONAL tool of the Chinese Communist Party (and in cooperation with the western Deep State, aka CIA half wits) to "drive America to it’s death“ (and Li Yi & the CCP...
3. ... meant physical death, a lot of it through COVID-19 virus & 5G radiation, and also economic death through PERPETUAL LOCKDOWNS—this huge scamdemic PSY-OP includes the election fraud, the fraudulently inflated COVID-19 infection #s, fraudulently inflated death rate #s,...
4. ... the highly inaccurate and unreliable COVID-19 PCR tests, the fraudulently made-up claims that lockdowns work to stop the spread (NOT!!!), that masks work to stop COVID-19 (NOT!!!), that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and will not kill you (NOT!!!), Deep State vaccine...
5. ... mandates DO VIOLATE OUR GENEVA CONVENTION RIGHTS, AS Mr. X pointed out)
. • He said Trump will still stop the Deep State & Chinese’s desired COVID-19 Vaccine mandate and bring down Big Pharmaceutical Deep State control including Pfizer and including idiots like...
6. ... Fauci and Birx and Redfield!!
[8:53 PM]
. • He said that this has all been one big PSY-OP perpetrated by idiot CCP / Deep State / CIA swamp scum and Chinese communist scum like Prof. Li Yi (who CONVENIENTLY GOT HIS PhD from an AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, the U of IL!!!)...
7. ... to fraudulently unseat a duly elected president Trump and to bring upon the USA the Deep State World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Prince Philip) “Great Reset” Vaccine-ID DRACONIAN OPPRESSION that one ALREADY SEES IN COMMUNIST CHINA that kills MOST OF IT’S...
8. ... BABY GIRLS, murders minorities like the Fulon Gong and the Turkish Muslim Uighurs and HARVESTS THEIR ORGANS (HOW EVIL!!!!)—He said ONLY TRUMP IS KEEPING YOU FROM THAT HAPPENING HERE IN THE USA—Hillary, Biden, Obama, Comey, Brennan, and the other scum WANTED TO SEE THIS...
. • He said the CCP Chinese communists ARE DEEP STATE (despite their denials of that) and they tried to kill Chairman Xi a couple of months ago when Xi was interrupted in a speech by violent coughing caused by a directed energy weapon...
10. ... targeting Xi for working with Trump on GESARA and the RV/GCR and transitioning China AWAY FROM COMMUNIST PARTY CONTROL to the newly founded Federal Republic of China (this attack on Xi was reported he said by investigative journalist and former Forbes Asia...
11. ... bureau chief, Benjamin Fulford and his sources and other sources).
[8:53 PM]

Continued in next tweet...

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