After getting good feedback on yesterday's thread on #routemobile I think it is logical to do a bit in-depth technical study. Place #twilio at center, keep #routemobile & #tanla at the periphery & see who is each placed.

This thread is inspired by one of the articles I read on the-ken about #postman API & how they are transforming & expediting software product delivery & consumption, leading to enhanced developer productivity.
We all know that #Twilio offers host of APIs that can be readily used for faster integration by anyone who wants to have communication capabilities. Before we move ahead, let's get a few things cleared out.
Can anyone build the programming capability to process payments or communication capabilities? Yes, but will they, the answer is NO. Companies prefer to consume APIs offered by likes of #Stripe #twilio #Shopify #razorpay etc.
This offers two benefits - faster time to market, of course that means no need to re-invent the wheel + not worrying of compliance around payment process or communication regulations. This makes entire ecosystem extremely agile
#twilio offers host of REST API for SMS/Voice/Video and more (
#routemobile too offer APIs for SMS & Voice for global platforms (
#tanla on other hand offer it via Karix & only does for SMS. Nothing more
As a product company, your adoption (sales) & ease of integration depends on how scalable, reliable, and robust your API Suit is.
No question Twilio is leader & offers amazing APIs, but #routemobile too offers similar capabilities. Developers can test the APIs in browser on the fly, sadly, no such thing offered by #tanla.
As a product manager & decision maker, I'd ask my team to test the free API and test the request/response to understand how easy or difficult is it to use in my product. I can do that with Twilio & Route. I couldn't find any such possibility with Tanla
I think as an investor you must be forward looking. Really understand who offers global scale & capabilities. For me, based on this correlation it is clear that Twilio is bid daddy, but Route is young chap following the footsteps well. Tanla, nothing is available publicly.
PS: This is only technical capability overview on the APIs offered by 3 of the known companies. This is not a buy/sell reco.

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Remember, this money is just fun. If you launched a product (or even attempted a launch) - you did something worth MUCH more than $1,000.


The winners 👇


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@frantzfries built a platform where you can see how skipping your morning latte could do for the world.

A great product for a great cause.

Congrats Chris on winning $250!


Instaland - Create amazing landing pages for your followers.

A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


SayHenlo - Chat without distractions

Built by @DaltonEdwards, it's a platform for combatting conversation overload. This product was also coded exclusively from an iPad 😲

Dalton is a beast. I'm so excited he placed in the top 10.


CoderStory - Learn to code from developers across the globe!

Built by @jesswallaceuk, the project is focused on highlighting the experience of developers and people learning to code.

I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!