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StockEdge provides a #learning section wherein different app tutorials, videos and courses will guide you to understand technicals & fundamentals in the app and enhance your understanding of varied #market concepts.
My StockEdge

The #Software features areas specifically designed to allow you to personalize it so that you can easily make your own trading selections.

This will help you to establish your own watchlist and stay up to date on your stock’s movements in minutes.
With 2+ million App downloads, 1.5 million verified users & a 4.4 rating, @mystockedge is the most loved stock market app in India.

It's available on #Android & #IOS.

To take control of your #Investment decisions today, download StockEdge app now: https://t.co/JgNBtGytpC
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I think a plausible explanation is that whatever Corbyn says or does, his critics will denounce - no matter how much hypocrisy it necessitates.

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He's wrong to prioritise Labour Party members over the public:

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First thread of the year because I have time during MCO. As requested, a thread on the gods and spirits of Malay folk religion. Some are indigenous, some are of Indian origin, some have Islamic

Before I begin, it might be worth explaining the Malay conception of the spirit world. At its deepest level, Malay religious belief is animist. All living beings and even certain objects are said to have a soul. Natural phenomena are either controlled by or personified as spirits

Although these beings had to be respected, not all of them were powerful enough to be considered gods. Offerings would be made to the spirits that had greater influence on human life. Spells and incantations would invoke their

Two known examples of such elemental spirits that had god-like status are Raja Angin (king of the wind) and Mambang Tali Arus (spirit of river currents). There were undoubtedly many more which have been lost to time

Contact with ancient India brought the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism to SEA. What we now call Hinduism similarly developed in India out of native animism and the more formal Vedic tradition. This can be seen in the multitude of sacred animals and location-specific Hindu gods