The most critical flaw in this piece imo is a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of sexual offending by men, particularly voyeurism and indecent exposure. Self-declaration is a MUCH lower barrier than current requirements for these motivated offenders (who are not rare)

Recent experience with historical sex offence cases show how far the most motivated serious offenders are prepared to go- including getting specific lifetime jobs and volunteering positions. These are a relatively small number of men. Indecent exposure however 2/
Is a crime that roughly 3 MILLION women have experienced since age 16. Well over 100 THOUSAND offences were committed in the last year (official gov stats )
What percentage of these offenders would pretend to be trans in order to offend? Well, you might argue that a very large proportion won't, but what is the barrier proposed under self-ID? Filling in a form. There's no commitment to a process required 4/
And (this is key) there are women's spaces where it is normal to be unclothed. So these men can indulge their offending without any realistic possibility of conviction, AND 5/
The "but they'll find a way" argument falls so incredibly short because you're effectively "un-criming" what was previously a reasonably risky offence to commit. 100,000 a year. Not only do you not risk the shame of being labelled a sex offender, but 6/
Your ability to humiliate your victims is potentially enhanced by the fact that you're not only forcing them into the encounter, but forcing them to "not even complain". A dream for men who want to exert sexual power and control over women 7/
You do not have to go far on Twitter to see *self-declared* trans people using threats of sexual violence against "T€RFs" (though rarely the male ones, for reasons following from above). I choose to be sceptical that these people are Trans at all 8/
Calling people "bigots" for raising these concerns is utterly wrong. If you want to change the law, or our normal social practices, you have to engage with the evidence, and just handwaving away concerns, not seeming to know what the numbers are or why they exist is wrong 9/
Can't find the link to the piece now, it's by three female academic authors, amd Liam Bright tweeted it out as a work I think he found particularly convincing? 10/
Found it:

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