Baudrillard perfectly captured the feeling of modernity when he referred to our state of affairs as “after the orgy” we have seen liberation in every sphere: political, sexual, and social. Women, Art, unconscious drives—all are free! Baudrillard’s question is: what now?

Baudrillard noticed, before any reactionary blogger uttered such a critique, that we are now caught in a perpetual simulation and re-enactment of the revolutionary liberation that has long passed
When younger people resent “the boomers” one gets the sense that what they resent most of all is that they have MISSED the orgy, and now they can’t discern their parents from the crowd.
After the orgy comes the gender war. I do not call it the sex war because let’s bite a bullet, gender is only mostly correlated with sex, and lefty males are spiritual women, and THEY KNOW IT which is why they are so sympathetic to gender “theory”
Since the dawn of agriculture at least—female historians of both sexes tell us—we have been living in Men’s world, where women were brutally subjugated by men. Women’s liberation is the total reversal of this, a vengeful subjugation of men. This is dubious but let’s lean into it
And all around us we see women are exceeding men along most every KPI. Better performance in school, better higher income on average, and an endless litany of female encouragement and male denigration: throw rocks at men! The future is female!
What does women’s world look like? Where men are concerned, women have two conflicting desires. The exoteric desire is the will to emasculate, and the esoteric desire is the will for a man to evade emasculation, and overpower her, but only on her terms. And after the orgy...
A man is dangerous, a phallus is a threat, and men must be defanged by any means available. This is a woman’s deliberate or emergent strategy. A woman plays out this same drama at the level of her individual relationships as well as at societal scale
When a man is in a sexual mindset, he is different person to his sober, rational self. We all know the feeling of a violent animal consciousness overriding all other thoughts. Analogously, what man becomes when aroused, woman desires
There are even now societies where labor and capital are exclusively the domain of women. It is impolite to name these places. In such a place, men become wholly products of sexual selection. A peacock is hindered by its tail; sexually overselected men become stupid and thuggish
The tragedy is that such men believe themselves to be superior, when in fact their superiority is that of the elephant seal, fat harem slugs whose extreme polygyny consumes them. High rates of polygyny indicate sexual overselection of males
The more political and financial power we grant to women, the more stable our society becomes, because women are risk averse. The problem is that, in an entropic world, stability is a gradual decline.
In our stable and stably entropic women’s world, we can only find sexual success by embodying women’s esoteric desire. World star is to humans what David Attenborough is to the bird of paradise. Acts of petty aggression are male sexual displays
Many of the things you call “alpha” are also dysgenic. If women think something is “toxic masculinity” you can bet two things: it’s dyscivic and it turns them on. There are eucivic alpha traits but they are expensive and low ROI to the individual
In the absence of existential risks to survival, such as starvation, evolution is driven entirely by sexual selection. The existence and the caprice of the sexual market are precisely the eclipsing of x-risk selection by sexual selection
And the horror is that you have no choice. by analogy, birds have to put on these clowny displays because they have no penises and their anatomical contingencies are such that they cannot hold their females down and subdue them.
If you want to slake your overpowering thirst, you have no choice to be “alpha”. Nothing I could say would change the utility of alpha behavior. Sexual strategy is immoral and condemning alpha behaviors is usually cope. Let’s be honest about where we’re heading, that’s all
When I raise these points I am inevitably beset by both feminist liberationists and male “elephant seal maximalists” to tell me that I only think this way because I can’t get laid.
It’s fitting that the Baudrillardian orgy has plunged us into a world of sexual horror. I think it is a fatal indictment of all our philosophies and especially our religions that they could not prevent—and perhaps even birthed—these hideous sexual norms that encompass us
The horror of the sexual market is erotic horror, which is erotic horror, which derives from the fear of what we ourselves will become, reforged by womens’ schizophrenic desire
When the definitive struggle of a man’s life is against nature herself, then women’s desire is.l chained, because she depends on a man for survival. A world of existential threats is mens’ world, and in men’s world, women are shaped by sexual selection according to male desire
When man has tamed nature, or when nature is gentle with him, man’s definitive struggle becomes a sexual struggle, and the world becomes women’s world, and nature passes the mantle of selection pressure to her daughter
You can see all the tension between male and female virtue in this single photograph. 100% accurate litmus test for whether you are spiritually male or female: do you agree with this woman?
To be sure, the violence and the callousness of nature is also a kind of hell, maybe even a worse hell, certainly a less comfortable hell. I too enjoy food pellets and virtual reality escapism
You may think compassion is a virtue, and cruelty is a vice, but in fact each tiny act of compassion moves us deeper into women’s world, until something snaps, and mens’ world reasserts itself in fire and blood. My friends, however bad it is, we still have so much farther to fall
Errata: the horror of the sexual market is erotic horror, which is *body horror

More from Zer̵ō̵ ̶͇̀Ĥ̴̲P̵͔̚ Lovecraft 🛡

My friends, I am expanding to Gab, though I will continue to post here. This place has become too insufferable, too fake, too hemmed in, and I have found it is harder to speak earnestly to you, because to be earnest breaks my heart

When I look around me, I feel mostly contempt. I'm supposed to say contempt is a bad emotion, that it eats you alive inside, that it's noble to set these things aside and focus on the positive–but I'm not here to say what I'm supposed to

Trump is gone and we are all still processing that. I haven't had much to say on this topic because I prefer to watch things unfold than pretend to understand a complex social situation where I have no inside information.

We feel angry and betrayed after this loss, but it's not that we lost Trump the man, it's that we lost Trump the symbol. He represented a rising American nationalist consciousness, that's what we don't want to let go

Any lingering hope I had for America is gone. This is not my country any more. Maybe it hasn't been for a while, but that last trace of belonging is gone. There are still people here who are my people, but this is not our country

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