Thread.. @NicolaSturgeon There should be no place for Transphobia in ANY party.
However, women wanting to retain sex based rights and protections is not Transphobia.1/2

If you are going to call women Transphobic, you must be able to define what actually constitutes a Transwoman, because so far we are seeing drag artists, cross dressers, non binary etc all defined as Transwomen by Stonewall..2/3
Women have been subjected to vile mysoginistic abuse by some of the young members who are suddenky leaving Snp...and why are they leaving?
Because some weak protections for women were incorporated into the Hate Bill..3/4
I saw someone call @joannaccherry the most vile names, a C*** and other sex based insults. This and the other abuse has not been called out by our First Minister.4/5
Women I know personally have left @theSNP in their droves because of the attitude towards us voicing our concerns "Jeremy Hunts" the way we are being treated by these young people and others.5/6
Yet not one word from @NicolaSturgeon about this, let alone a video condemning the misogyny and intolerance towards women in @theSNP 6/7
These women (and I include myself) were the ones who trudged up and down closes delivering leaflets, who held stalls, meetings etc to persuade people to join @theSNP and fight for Independence. 7/8
I looked into some of these young people when they were abusing us. They joined the party AFTER 2016 when we women had put in the hours, the hard work to get Snp to where it now is. 8/9
Many are students who will move on..possibly outwith Scotland
However I am more interested in where they came from and what their agenda is because their priority does not seem to be Independence..or Snp..indeed I saw one say that..the identity politics come first 9/10
Rise and Momentum had to go somewhere in Scotland...and they did not join Scottish Labour. The policies they want do not appeal sufficiently to the electorate to enablethem to have their own party and get the they try and push them through SNP 10/11
In the end all this will backfire on the party I loved. Women are the demographic that votes. Especially older women. They are also the demographic that in 2014 were least likely to vote for Independence.
Snp need to persuade women that we are safe and valued in the party.11/12
Just now they are faling to do that. I am seeing long term female members, women whom I have known personally as members for years, quit the party, citing misogyny and abuse.Citing the fact that nothing is done about it. 12/13
@NicolaSturgeon should ponder on why..If these people are so loyal to the Snp why are they trying so hard to get rid of an MP @joannaccherry who is so popular with the voters?
Why did they immediately jump ship when protections for women were brought into Hate Crime Bill 13/14
Let's stop the smears, the abuse directed @joannaccherry and at women. You could do that @ScotGovFM by issuing another video..This time calling for an end to the attacks on one of your MPs + on women. Saying clearly that women should feel safe in SNP .
I have a photo of Nicola Sturgeon with her arms around my young granddaughter. I treasured it...but now I look at what is happening to women in Scotland under Nicola's watch and I fear for my granddaughters future.

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