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Open Question to fellow investors tracking Music Industry.

A business like Universal which controls more than 1/3rd of all published music globally is selling for less than 6x FY20 Sales.

Why are Indian businesses like Saregama / Tips selling for 11x, 20x their sales?

If I include all of the revenue generated by entire firm, its selling for ~4.5x FY20 Sales

Universal Listing Market Cap ~ 40 Billion USD
FY 20 Revenues ~ 8.87 B USD or 7.4B EUR

Catalogue of Music includes every international artist you can possibly name

Either Universal is grossly undervalued or Saregama/Tips are grossly overvalued.

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Great article from @AsheSchow. I lived thru the 'Satanic Panic' of the 1980's/early 1990's asking myself "Has eveyrbody lost their GODDAMN MINDS?!"

The 3 big things that made the 1980's/early 1990's surreal for me.

1) Satanic Panic - satanism in the day cares ahhhh!

2) "Repressed memory" syndrome

3) Facilitated Communication [FC]

All 3 led to massive abuse.

"Therapists" -and I use the term to describe these quacks loosely - would hypnotize people & convince they they were 'reliving' past memories of Mom & Dad killing babies in Satanic rituals in the basement while they were growing up.

Other 'therapists' would badger kids until they invented stories about watching alligators eat babies dropped into a lake from a hot air balloon. Kids would deny anything happened for hours until the therapist 'broke through' and 'found' the 'truth'.

FC was a movement that started with the claim severely handicapped individuals were able to 'type' legible sentences & communicate if a 'helper' guided their hands over a keyboard.