I want to share my thoughts, as someone who has been so alarmed by the so-called "dissident" scientists like Gupta, Heneghan, Kuldorff, Bhattacharya, & Ioannidis who consider themselves brave Galileos unfairly treated by "establishment scientists." I will try not to swear. 1/n

I want to talk about 3 things:
‼️Their fringe views are inhumane, unethical junk science that promotes harm
‼️They complain that they've been marginalized but this is simply untrue
‼️I am sick of people telling me we have to "listen to both sides." There aren't 2 sides here 2/n
These 'dissident' scientists have consistently downplayed COVID-19, urging policymakers not to take aggressive control measures. They claim it is not a serious threat. Gupta even went on TV saying people under 65 shouldn't worry about it!


They have consistently argued that policymakers should just let the virus rip, in an attempt to reach herd immunity by natural infection. Kuldorff *continues* to argue for this even now that we have many highly effective, safe vaccines.


We've never controlled a deadly, contagious pandemic before by just letting the virus spread, as this approach kills & disables too many people. In Manaus, Brazil, 66% of the city was infected & an astonishing *1 in 500* people died of COVID-19


Gupta, Kuldorff, & Bhattacharya argue that we must let the virus rip while locking away the vulnerable, a grotesque dystopian view. Here's who you'd have to lock away: elderly people; medically vulnerable people; people of color; disabled people. 6/n

Let's not forget: these authors were funded by corporate interests. It's Merchants of Doubt all over again. Corporations want to see "opening up of society" and they fund academics to push a pro-corporate view.



Now to the silly notion pushed by these edgy "dissident" scientists that they've faced censorship for being Galileos. OK, this is when I may swear a little bit.

Are you f**king kidding me?

Since the start of the pandemic, every time you turn on your bloody TV there they are 8/n
In fact, they've had the largest megaphone of all: THEIR VIEWS HAVE BEEN ADOPTED IN THE USA BY TRUMP AND IN BRITAIN BY JOHNSON.

Don't give me your bullshit about how they've been marginalized. Their views = Trump policy & Johnson policy.


These dissidents did all they could to shape Trump's policies; looking at the cases now in the US, they got what they wanted. In Scott Atlas, Trump's coronavirus czar, & in Florida's governor, they found champions



Time & again, these fringe views BECAME Trump's policies or Johnson's policies. So when you say "well, debate is important & it is critical to hear all views," I agree that debate matters but these nihilistic views won the day in US/UK policymaking 11/n

There are East Asian & Pacific Rim nations that have controlled the virus, without even a vaccine. They used science-based measures, acted fast, had great leaders. They listened to @who & did test/trace/isolate/support. The US/UK ignored these successes & here we are today. 12/n
Last, I cannot tell you how many times I have been scolded & reprimanded for "not giving the Great Barrington Declaration authors serious consideration." Two Duke professors, for example, told me academics like me must stay open minded & universities must show both sides 13/n
I respectfully disagree. THERE AREN'T 2 SIDES. The public health science on pandemic control is established, & nations that followed the science did better, both from a health AND economic view. Shouldn't we be basing policy on, um, science? We need VACCINE herd immunity FFS. END

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