Ok people, the current hype in #Science around #Archaeology research in #Chiribiquete and #LaLindosa in #Colombia, albeit deserving, it's a clear example of how scientific discovery is colonised and monopolised. We need to have an awkward conversation

As a Colombian expat in #Science, I was always surprised with how places like Chiribiquete were pretty much unknown overseas, considering their scientific, cultural and biological value, and that almost any Colombian has heard about them 2/n
The last couple of weeks I started an increasing trend of people in "developed countries" talking about discoveries of ancient paintings in the Amazon, and managed to trace back the source to this paper from April 3/n
As people started reacting more and more to it, media coverage started popping up. At that point a narrative was clear: A British-led expedition just discovered a trove of paintings from the heart of the Colombian Amazon 4/n
The discovery was so F&%$ unbelievable that they kept it under the wraps until a @Channel4 documentary was shot and produced to be released later this month 5/n
By now I'm just gobsmacked in disbelief: Colombians have known, researched and fought to preserve this site for decades. Let alone indigenous communities that even today (after millennia) have a direct connection with those sites. What the actual f&%$!? 6/n
You would argue that it's the language barrier to blame, but this happened not only for outlets in English, even @CNNEE that could have easily read and reached to Spanish-speaking sources sold the same narrative 7/n
So although I have very limited knowledge on the background history of the "discovery" of Chiribiquete and La Lindosa, here's a bit of vindication to the hundreds of people that have given their lives (literally and metaphorically) 8/n
@ccastanouribe is arguably the person who brought Chiribiquete and La Lindosa into the scientific sphere more than 30 years ago while he was the director of @ParquesColombia (National Parks Colombia) 9/n
Other researchers like Patricio von Hildebrand and Thomas van der Hammen spent decades living and exploring such sites uncovering their biological and archaeological richness 10/n
Multiple expeditions have been completed over the decades, efforts have been made to declare it a national park, then expand it (to almost 43,000Km2), and even in 2018 it was freaking declared world heritage by @UNESCO! 11/n
For decades it remained unreported to protect the sites and uncontacted communities that live in the area. As it became public, #LaLindosa was opened to the public as an archaeological park in a way to divert people from damaging #Chiribiquete, that remains closed 12/n
This has always been difficult territory. From the time they initially reported the sites, armed groups have been under control of the region, forcibly displacing indigenous communities, researchers and conservationists 13/n
The worst fears became true and as it grew in popularity, deforestation and forced displacement soared, creating a hostile environment for locals, researchers and conservationists 13/n
Anyway, hopefully someone from #CienciaCriolla that knows the story way better than I am will jump in to correct me and add what I've missed. If you're curious about our version of the story, here's a thread of sources to finish this off 14/n
This is a great interactive special by @RevistaSemana with great interviews to some of the researchers involved:
This is an excellent documentary following one of the most recent expeditions by Colombian researchers by @RTVCco that's available on @RTVCPlay
This is a fantastic talk by @maria_mimia, Colombian investigative journalist and @ccastanouribe's daughter
Last but not least, last year @ccastanouribe published with @mesaestandar a book everyone interested in Chiribiquete and La Lindosa should read
Forgot to mention that the two first authors of the study behind all the hype are actually Colombian researchers from @UNALOficial and @UdeA but are vastly ignored in most of the coverage, with exceptions like (you guessed it)... a Colombian outlet
With this, I leave with this quote from "The solitude of Latin America" by Gabo: "The interpretation of our reality through patterns not our own, serves only to make us ever more unknown, ever less free, ever more solitary"
Since this seems to be getting some traction, I'll keep adding bits and pieces. It is also worth noting that while we discuss this issue, La Lindosa is surrounded by human induced fires and expanding deforestation, losing over 1000 ha of forest
Here's some early work by Colombian researchers and Thomas van der Hammen on La Lindosa from 1990
Just this year I was able to track at least three scientific papers describing new species from Chiribiquete 1/3:
By Jacquelyn A. Kallunki
Just this year I was able to track at least three scientific papers describing new species from Chiribiquete 2/3:
By Lima (@unicampoficial), Urbano-Bonilla and Prada-Pedreros (both from @UniJaveriana)
Just this year I was able to track at least three scientific papers describing new species from Chiribiquete 3/3:
By García-Alzate et al.

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1/ Automobiles and Intake Fraction. Since cars are back in the news I thought I would retweet this model result I offered in early April 2020. I focused only on 1 micron particles & accounted for windows completely closed & cracked slightly open.

2/ Related air exchange rates were based on experimental results in literature for mid-sized sedans. Particle deposition to indoor surfaces were accounted for, as the surface to volume ratio in a 3 m3 cab is large. An important outcome was the intake fraction (IF)

3/ Here, IF is the number of particles (or virions in collective particles) inhaled by a receptor DIVIDED BY the number or particles (or virions in collective particles) emitted by an infector.

4/ Integrated over the two hour drive (in this example) the IF for all windows closed & a receptor at rest is 0.08 (8% of what comes out of the infectors respiratory system ends up in the respiratory system of the receptor). 8%! That is a very high intake factor.

5/ With additional ventilation from cracking a window open drops the IF to 0.012 (1.2%) still relatively high. Can get lower by opening more windows.
Read this thread from @lilithsaintcrow. I really mean it. Just read it. Because if what she is saying is true (and I happen to think it is) it explains *so much*

An example using the Flat Earthers: A thread of many parts:

I'm firmly convinced that the flat Earth thing was started by some adolescent trolls with nothing more productive to do. They didn't believe it, but they thought it was entertaining to keep pretending that they did.

You can't engage with them, because they *are playing a game*. They think it's fun to see if they can get anybody to engage with something completely stupid as though it's true.

If you challenge them, the rules of the game state that they have to argue as hard and a spuriously as they like, but *never* to admit that the Earth is not in fact flat. I suppose you have to make up your own entertainment on 4chan or whatever hole this was conceived in.

It's annoying as hell, but I suppose it doesn't do much harm.. except to folks like this:

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