Today makes four years since I took my shahada and became Muslim, even though it feels like a lifetime ago.

Below are some reflections and advices I’d give to new Muslims and the greater Muslim community as someone who accepted Islam:

1) Remember what you got here in the first place: Allah. No one has an easy journey in this fleeting life. Remember when times get difficult that your Lord guiding you to Islam is a sign of His mercy. Let your actions be for Him alone, and you’ll see the blessings unfold.
2) Choose your company wisely: the Prophet ﷺ tells us good company is like the one who sells perfume and bad company is like a blacksmith. Surround yourself around people who will benefit you in your journey seeking Allah. Do not be around people who will hurt your akhira.
3) Be gentle: if you want guidance for your loved ones, don’t be harsh with them nor should you try and debate them. Speak kindly, treat them with honor, and allow your actions to be a representation of your faith. Remember the Prophet ﷺ was characterized as a walking Quran!
4) Seek knowledge, but take it slow: it’s easy to rush into things overzealously and be burnt out. Take things a step at a time, and in increments. You won’t ever be perfect, but strive for ihsan. Make it so that you feel like you’re falling in love with your deen repeatedly.
5) For the greater Muslim community: support for converts means more than takbirs in the masjid or giving them Qurans. Support means befriending them and giving them a space in your community. They should never have to watch from the background.
6) For the greater Muslim community: create mentorship circles in your masajid where Muslims (newly practicing and already practicing) can be paired up together to cultivate brotherhood and learn from one another.
7) For the greater Muslim community: don’t just tell a new Muslim that Allah is with them. Be there for them. Show them that you’re there for them too.
May Allah guide us, forgive us, and grant us His paradise.

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"Hinduism was one of the world's most easy-going faith traditions, famed for it's non-persecutory history."

I can assure you, it is NOT.

It is neither easy-going, nor non-persecutory. In fact it is the very opposite.


Modern Hinduism is a British colonial concept, created in concert with Brahmins, who are at the "apex" of the caste system. The word "Hindoo" in fact, is of Persian origin, meaning a person who lives in the Indus valley.

Colonialists who attempted to study Indian religion in the 18th century (NOT, at the time, Hinduism) were baffled by it. Strata of people living distinctly (the caste system) with overlapping gods didn't fit into their Judeo-Christian understanding of religion.

Which has an ecclesiastical authority, a holy book etc., which Indian religions lacked. In studying "The Hindoo", colonialists prioritized textual sources of knowledge, which is where Brahmins, the priestly caste with a monopoly over education/text come in.

Brahminism was a distinct "religion" (although i don't really want to use the term in this way) that was frankly terrorized of other castes. In fact, the very basis of Brahminism is oppression. Brahmins had scholars who recorded *Brahminical* canon textually.

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