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When you want elected officials to hear your concerns, you are a domestic terrorist.

When they want to intimidate elected leaders from carrying out lawful processes, they are simply "Anti-Kavanaugh protestsers take over the Senate Office Bldg. atrium on Capital Hill."

Trump put out a video telling the protesters to go home. Gets a comms cut, Twitter and Facebook timeout.

Did any prominent democrat tell the BLM rioters to stop burning shit down, or did they pour gas on it.

There was a coup alright, it's just not the one being reported.

Yes, and the GOP continues to play their role as outer party controlled opposition. Washington Generals doing what the Washington Generals

At this point we see clearly Trump never held power. There's a giant power vacuum in the US right now, he failed to fill it.

That vacuum isn't going away. Those 75M MAGA voters aren't going to disappear.

The crackdown to come will only inflame tensions. This is just beginning.

Months of burning cities, billions in property damage and looting. Politicians, celebs ran fundraisers to help them post bail. They executed a MAGA in Portland. Cops, politicians, military literally bent the knee to them.
1/13 In this thread, I have collected links to all videos mentioned in @adrian_horton's great @guardian article on late-night hosts' reactions to Wednesday's terrorist attack on #CapitolHill - and more. I believe that they offered some of the best

2/13 #StephenColbert: Hey, Republicans Who Supported This President: Are We Great Again Yet? - LIVE MONOLOGUE via @StephenAtHome @colbertlateshow #CapitolRiots

3/13 "Moments after voting on the Senate floor, Senator @amyklobuchar joins us from a secure location inside #CapitolBuilding and says the president is responsible for today's failed attempted coup, and she wants every person involved to be prosecuted."

4/13 "Republican @RepKinzinger joins @StephenAtHome to describe his experience inside the #CapitolBuilding during today's failed coup attempt and says that he expects conversations about using the 25th Amendment to remove the president will begin

5/13 #SethMeyers: Seth Meyers Calls For Trump's Removal After Violent Insurrection at Capitol via @sethmeyers @LateNightSeth #CapitolRiots
Thanks Stewart! Election day at CDU's conference is just beginning. Speeches by candidates Laschet, Merz, Röttgen start at 9:45 (Berlin time, so in 10 mins), then the 1,001 delegates begin voting at 11:10.

First up is Armin Laschet, the continuity candidate. Key messages: US example of dangers of polarisation; CDU can't take "Merkel voters" for granted; change requires experience, trust and teamwork rather than just big ideas; namecheck for his more-popular running mate Jens Spahn.

Verdict: not a bad speech tbh, nicely organised around theme of trust and teamwork that marked his father's work as a miner; the warning about the dangers of polarisation captured Laschet's own strengths and the risk of electing Merz

Next up is Friedrich Merz, the right-wing veteran. Climate change, digitisation, ideas blah-blah [aka I'm not a blast from the past]; don't fear the future; "consensus and compromise" require more contest; CDU must return to the "real centre"; no left-wing majority in Germany.

Verdict: weak, weak, weak. No organising theme, no coherence, just buzzwords over substance. And coming from Merz, the (genuinely valid) case for more robust political debate in Germany just comes across as cynical and reactionary.
Yep, and the parallels to Nazi Germany, where the same kinds of people supported the Nazi party, are hard to miss. Equating people who didn't finish college with the "working class" is missing the picture. By that defintion, Sean Hannity is working class.

In my last conversation with a Trump fan I know, what came across strongly was the petty bourgeois resentment and even hatred of the government employee, who is invariably portrayed as a leech who doesn't work for a living (though they do and have low salaries for their resumes.)

This dovetails with white supremacist urges. For petty bourgeois that want to trap people of color into low-paid service work, seeing Black and Latino people at government desk jobs makes them irate. Nothing will get them raving about "wasting" taxpayer money faster.

That's what a lot of Cletus safari pieces are missing that those of us who actually know Trump voters aren't: The anger that is stirred every time they see a Black firefighter or a Latino county clerk, that rage that these folks have secure middle class jobs on "their" dime.

When Trump talked about the "deep state" out to get him, that's the bone he was tickling. That, and anger at the D.C. high level bureaucrat class that is well-educated and stirs the constant jealousy over people that are more cosmopolitan and sophisticated.
The Most Fascist Things Donald Trump Has Done; A Thread PART TWO!

(Part One:

("Fascism," explained roughly via tweet = racism + ultra-nationalism + sexism + attacks on human rights, the media, & unions + obsessions w/ national security & law & order + near-religious fervor for charismatic leader + cronyism + corruption + election fraud.)

23) Trump hires white supremacist Stephen Miller to write his immigration

24) Trump hires white supremacist Steve Bannon as his 2016 campaign manager.
If you send goods across a non porous border you need
-lots of paperwork. Filling it in triggers delays.
-trained customs staff. We're short by 50k. That'll cause delays.
- IT systems. Several haven't launched yet. More delays.

This is why there'll be shortages @jbhearn. /1

If you're exporting to EU, in the case of food products (dead or alive) you also need an official veterinarian (that's a thing) working with a certification support officer to deal with the sanitary and phytosanitory checks to generate a European Health Certificate /2

That EHC is then submitted at a border control post and also on the EU import control system. Only then can the truck travel into the EU. /3

Thing is, the importer in the EU will have to input *LOTS* of information into the EU's trade control and expert system (not the same as as the EU import control system) because it's arriving from outside the EU. /4

Alternatively the EU importer can skip all of the admin, fees and taxes triggered by importing from the UK by instead sourcing from a EU based company. That is why brexit will be an economic calamity for the UK; the operational reality is going to trump the economic theory. /5
So I'm not the first, & won't be the last, to be irked by this. But anyway, here goes.

What Murph's reporting (& opining) on is a survey that showed, in a time of international crisis where Australia has performed relatively well, politicians benefit from a "competence dividend"

That's neither a surprise, nor something to be sneered at. But it's a one-paragraph story. It's what you'd expect to see.

The journalist's role, you'd think, would be to critically unpick that. Work through what premiers & the PM did to deserve it, or otherwise.

One case that could be made is that the premiers stepped up, acted visibly & decisively on behalf of their respective states, & the PM is largely riding on their coattails.

Murph, though, has been on a weird campaign to position Morrison in particular as a statesman-in-waiting.

Once the federal government authorised Job Seeker/Lover/Keeper, Murph was convinced this was (bound to be) the end of Ideological Warrior Morrison and we'd see the emergence of pragmatic Morrison who could govern reasonably, in ways atypical of the way his party had been trending


And LOL again.

The early economic interventions were made with a gun to his head. The idea he'd suddenly become a learning learner who learns was something Murph seemed desperate to hold on to, like it was important for her sense that federal politics could work properly.
Cc: @CarnegieMellon



