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Pashinyan spoke in the parliament amid opposition protest outside of the building. He answered the question of the deputies.

(Pashinyan's block holds the absolute majority in parliament)

Only the people can speak on behalf of the people, not separate groups - Pashinyan

Voices of individual groups cannot be considered the voice of the people - Pashinyan

It is not the media who decide who the prime minister is, people decide - Pashinyan

The question arises as to why the opposition does not demand early elections. Why do political forces have only one goal - to decide without the will of the people? Pashinyan
It's the most wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeear 🎄🎅

It's time for 2 hours of Putin's squirrely bullshit.

Putin spent the last 5 minutes reaffirming that Coronavirus happened, it's a thing, everybody dealt with it, and when you think about it, it really hasn't been that bad!

Like any good bureaucrat (and make no mistake, Putin is a great bureaucrat) he is filibustering with facts that sound good, while not addressing the bad facts (but waving to the the fact that other fact may exist, but you are really focusing on the wrong thing).

Being in a relationship with this man must be a complete, uninterrupted mindf---

Putin projects mastery of the facts while also delivering it in a boring way so you tune out and say "He seems like he has it." And he does it for everything from agriculture markets to fomenting frozen conflicts -- making it seem like just another boring thing.
So I'm not the first, & won't be the last, to be irked by this. But anyway, here goes.

What Murph's reporting (& opining) on is a survey that showed, in a time of international crisis where Australia has performed relatively well, politicians benefit from a "competence dividend"

That's neither a surprise, nor something to be sneered at. But it's a one-paragraph story. It's what you'd expect to see.

The journalist's role, you'd think, would be to critically unpick that. Work through what premiers & the PM did to deserve it, or otherwise.

One case that could be made is that the premiers stepped up, acted visibly & decisively on behalf of their respective states, & the PM is largely riding on their coattails.

Murph, though, has been on a weird campaign to position Morrison in particular as a statesman-in-waiting.

Once the federal government authorised Job Seeker/Lover/Keeper, Murph was convinced this was (bound to be) the end of Ideological Warrior Morrison and we'd see the emergence of pragmatic Morrison who could govern reasonably, in ways atypical of the way his party had been trending


And LOL again.

The early economic interventions were made with a gun to his head. The idea he'd suddenly become a learning learner who learns was something Murph seemed desperate to hold on to, like it was important for her sense that federal politics could work properly.
In Her Own Words: 13 Acts of Treason by Hillary Clinton ...
The last nine days has revealed the inner workings of Hillary Clinton's campaign and mind - what's been found hasn't been pretty or American. Instead what has been seen through the W

Petition · To file treason charges against Hillary, Kerry ...
An investigative report from the New York Times has revealed a scandal of greed, bribery, and treason by Hillary Clinton.

Treason (!), Sedition, and Trump Derangement Syndrome
Hillary and Bill claimed to be broke when they left the White House, in spite of the same speech tours as Obama. On and on it goes, Presidents with private lives while they were President! The horror!

Hillary Clinton being dogged by criminal/treasonist ...
Hillary Clinton being dogged by criminal/treasonist scandal after focuses on trying to find anything on Trump. #SAD. Laura Ingraham RE BLURT LAURA INGRAHAM. Trump's possib tax dodge

CIA Agent: Hillary Clinton 'Involved in Biggest Treason in
Former CIA officer turned whistleblower Kevin Shipp has said that what Hillary Clinton did with her charity foundation and Uranium One while she was Secretary of the state was "the biggest treason
they should all be perp-walked out of Congress into waiting black vans, while OANN films the same for EVERY major news media outlet and network prime time talking head spewing the very commentary they have alleged against POTUS -

the Military, starting with the Joints Chiefs on down are is walking a fine line in watching this take place...some might say they are doing their jobs...I'm not convinced that we have to take the Nation to the precipice because layers need for f'ing evidence.

These people - and I use the term loosely - are a disgrace to this Nation and the American People.

USDoJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DNI - ALL KNEW this was happening...

248 Years of the finest Democratic Republic in History.

Now only 7 the waterfall's edge.


Ever Wonder what Romulus Augustulus felt like in the last days of the Roman Empire?

When the people tolerate BULLSHIT as accepted truth ignoring common sense and FACTS to the contrary, what comes next is not going to be pretty.


If the military KNOWS what it going on and shipping ARMED National Guardsmen to the front lines in Washington - that means the hire-ups KNOW TOO...that would be collusion, Misprision of Felony, Misprision of Treason...not good traits for Military officers.

@IndLeftNews @BenSpielberg @jimmy_dore (1) The #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes campaign was drowned out by the FTV movement. Today, the FTV ppl on the ground in DC r condemning Squad votes 4 Pelosi. Way too little & way 2 late.

@BenSpielberg @jimmy_dore (2) But, a more important 1, is that the Squad felt free 2 decide how 2 vote on Pelosi w/o consulting the ppl's movement. These advocates of bottom-up democracy did not practice it all when it came 2 the most important decision they would make during the next 2 years.

@BenSpielberg @jimmy_dore (3) They're not the only ones of course. Bernie Sanders did the same thing when he dropped out of the pressidential race. His "Not me. Us!" movement suddenly turned into an "it's my decision alone", affair. That enraged me at the time. It still does. After extracting all that ...

@BenSpielberg @jimmy_dore (4) work & money, often from poor ppl, he didn't feel he had to consult w/anyone else but, at most, his inner circle about whether it was time to support Biden or not. Going beyond progressive "leaders" however, I think all our politicians in our "democracy" feel free 2 take ...

@BenSpielberg @jimmy_dore (5) support of all sorts from us w/out involving us in decisions they are taking that are critical to our lives. Very few of them talk bottom-up democracy, but even those who do, practice top-down democracy, in which they mobilize us for fundraising & 4 coming out to vote 4...
Cc: @CarnegieMellon




“Every person I've ever known about that's been a white supremacist has left the movement through an act of compassion or love. They didn't leave it bc someone convinced them their belief systems were wrong.”

Daryl sounded the alarm back in 2009. His report was politicized by the GOP. He warned that white supremacy was on the rise.

He knows of what he speaks.

I strongly advise reading Hateland by Daryl Johnson & Breaking Hate by @cpicciolini to understand