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“As a result of the defamatory falsehoods peddled by Giuliani—in concert with Sidney Powell, Russell Ramsland, L. Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrne, Lou Dobbs, Fox News, Fox Business, Newsmax, “OAN”, The Epoch Times, and other like-minded allies and media outlets...”

Giuliani Enriches Himself by Falsely Claiming That Dominion Fixed the Election— A Claim He Was Not Willing to Make in Court Because He Knew It Was False

13. By at least Election Day 2020, Giuliani had decided to claim that Donald Trump had won

Sitting in the WH just after midnight on election night, Giuliani ranted to top campaign aides: “[t]here’s no way he lost; this thing must have been stolen. Just say we won Michigan! Just say we won Georgia! Just say we won the election! He needs to go out and claim victory!”

[11/4] Patrick Byrne got in touch with Giuliani & Powell..& told them..he had known months earlier.. “goons” were going to steal the election..he..started funding a plan in Aug..“had this plotted out what they were going to do,” &... “reverse engineered” how..election was stolen.
“Every person I've ever known about that's been a white supremacist has left the movement through an act of compassion or love. They didn't leave it bc someone convinced them their belief systems were wrong.”

Daryl sounded the alarm back in 2009. His report was politicized by the GOP. He warned that white supremacy was on the rise.

He knows of what he speaks.

I strongly advise reading Hateland by Daryl Johnson & Breaking Hate by @cpicciolini to understand