In Her Own Words: 13 Acts of Treason by Hillary Clinton ...
The last nine days has revealed the inner workings of Hillary Clinton's campaign and mind - what's been found hasn't been pretty or American. Instead what has been seen through the W

Petition · To file treason charges against Hillary, Kerry ...
An investigative report from the New York Times has revealed a scandal of greed, bribery, and treason by Hillary Clinton.
Treason (!), Sedition, and Trump Derangement Syndrome
Hillary and Bill claimed to be broke when they left the White House, in spite of the same speech tours as Obama. On and on it goes, Presidents with private lives while they were President! The horror!
Hillary Clinton being dogged by criminal/treasonist ...
Hillary Clinton being dogged by criminal/treasonist scandal after focuses on trying to find anything on Trump. #SAD. Laura Ingraham RE BLURT LAURA INGRAHAM. Trump's possib tax dodge
CIA Agent: Hillary Clinton 'Involved in Biggest Treason in
Former CIA officer turned whistleblower Kevin Shipp has said that what Hillary Clinton did with her charity foundation and Uranium One while she was Secretary of the state was "the biggest treason

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