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Trump supporters are trying to break past police lines at the Capitol

More Trump supporters are headed to the Capitol at the president's urging

Evacuations from Capitol office buildings

Officers are using crowd-control munitions at the Capitol

Officers appear to have been injured. In one livestream, the crowd is pelting officers with objects.
“Every person I've ever known about that's been a white supremacist has left the movement through an act of compassion or love. They didn't leave it bc someone convinced them their belief systems were wrong.”

Daryl sounded the alarm back in 2009. His report was politicized by the GOP. He warned that white supremacy was on the rise.

He knows of what he speaks.

I strongly advise reading Hateland by Daryl Johnson & Breaking Hate by @cpicciolini to understand
1. It is worth starting a @MattHancock thread. If he wasn't such a psychopath, liar and fraudster he would be funny

2. This interview with @piersmorgan on @gmb tells you all you need to know. Watch him squirm. You can actually feel him wish the ground would open and swallow

3. This beautifully sums up the creepiness of the guy and perhaps the lack of knowledge of any real human interaction in a social

4. Who sits down like

5. Yes it is a piss take by @russellhoward but just think, this was taken from a Hancock self promotion video. Comedy gold
When you see something like this we need to investigate a little and join the dots.

This guy always pops up somewhere along the way, so what is the true agenda here? Who are the players?

And now we tie George Soros to Lord Malloch Brown and the Privy council. Soros has just made Malloch Brown head of his Open Society foundation.

Malloch Brown one of the heads of Smartmatic.

And of course let's not forget Domonion.