What is happening on the floor of the United States of House of Representatives is tragic.

Tragic because it was preventable. Tragic because most of the Republicans in the House are themselves brainwashed into believing that this is all *just politics.*


I take no joy in supporting impeachment against the President.

In fact, it pains my soul to know that the Commander in Chief launched an attack on his own people, on the People's House, on democracy.

It is tragic.

Our checks and balances have failed.

Our institutions of justice have failed.

The only power that has not failed is the power of the American people. We voted and we won.

And that's why Trump attacked it.

This is an attack on us as a people. It is an attack on those the autocrat cannot control. He has radicalized those who feel disenfranchised and he sent them into the Capitol as his pawns while he watched the attack with glee from afar.

He was capable of doing this because he has not one or two or even three lieutenants in Congress--but over 150 of them.

Their loyalty to Trump--their thirst for power--their devotion to a political party--and, yes, their fear of exiting the cult--has ruined our country.

These Lieutenants of Autocracy offered a salute to the terrorist forces through Josh Hawley

They legitimized the lie that the election was stolen by signing onto amicus briefs.

They validated the myth every single time they went on tv + made unproven claims of voter fraud.

And then they worked to complete the job of the terrorists by voting to overturn the election.

They are not merely working with the terrorists, they are the orchestrators and megaphones of the Sedition.

Today they protect their leader, shielding him from accountability.

This is why they must be expelled from the US House of Representatives. You can't have people legislating for a government they don't believe is legitimate.

Not one of the seditionists who voted to overturn the election has stepped forward to tell the truth--that they lied.

You *must* remove seditionists from the government. Failure to do so emboldens the terrorists who attacked the Capitol last week.

They continue to see themselves in positions of high government leadership. It further legitimizes them. It emboldens them.

You cannot fear the backlash. You cannot bend to the mob. You cannot negotiate with terrorists.

And if you do not have the stomach to do the hard things, you too need to step aside.

What's happened is tragic, but more tragic is allowing it to continue.


More from Lindsey Simmons

Dear Senator Hawley's Staff--

I'm sure you're loyal to your boss, but this man incited violence and you helped him. There is no "following orders" defense that will save you. You are part of this now.

And it is so much more serious than him simply "raising concerns."


Prior to November 3rd, Joshua had nothing to say about Pennsylvania's vote by mail legislation.


In fact, Joshua didn't have squat to say about election integrity either.


By November 4th, when it was apparent that Trump would likely lose the election, Joshua--as a sitting US Senator--started tweeting out that Michigan was hiding secrets from the public.

Sowing doubt. Fanning the flames.


So Joshua started this fake call for election integrity--a call he'd never made before.

At first he threw the whole kitchen sink out there--BigTech, ballot harvesting, poll watchers, counting, etc.

Sowing doubt. Fanning the flames.


More from Politics

We’ve been getting calls and outreach from Queens residents all day about this.

The community’s response? Outrage.

Amazon is a billion-dollar company. The idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less, is extremely concerning to residents here.

When we talk about bringing jobs to the community, we need to dig deep:
- Has the company promised to hire in the existing community?
- What’s the quality of jobs + how many are promised? Are these jobs low-wage or high wage? Are there benefits? Can people collectively bargain?

Displacement is not community development. Investing in luxury condos is not the same thing as investing in people and families.

Shuffling working class people out of a community does not improve their quality of life.

We need to focus on good healthcare, living wages, affordable rent. Corporations that offer none of those things should be met w/ skepticism.

It’s possible to establish economic partnerships w/ real opportunities for working families, instead of a race-to-the-bottom competition.
What does "patriots in control" mean?
What would that "look like" in reality?

So a massive adult film star in all his glory is included in an official FBI government filing

Hunter Biden's book is categorized as "Chinese

TIME admits to "conspiracy" to "not rig, rather

A "pillow guy" has military-grade intercepts detailing the IP addresses and device MAC IDs of EVERY incursion into every county in the
Here we go. Tag 4 des Impeachments. Trumps Verteidigung.

Es wird argumentiert, dass Trump nur habe sicherstellen wollen, dass die Wahl fair abgelaufen sei. Die Verteidigung zeigt Clips einzelner Demokraten, die der Zertifizierung von Trumps Stimmen 2016 widersprechen. (Dass es 2016 keinen von Obama gesandten Mob aufs Kapitol gab?Egal!)

Die intellektuelle Unehrlichkeit ist so unfassbar, ich weiß kaum, wo ich hier überhaupt anfangen soll; so viele fucking Strohmänner auf einmal.

Die Verteidigung spielt random Clips, in denen Demokraten “fight” sagen, fast zehn Minuten lang. Weil Trump 20mal am 6. Januar “fight” gesagt hat. Dies ist kein Witz. Komisch, dass sonst die Folge nie war, dass ein Mob das Kapitol gestürmt hat und Pence hängen wollte

“Dieser Fall geht um politischen Hass” Ich mein, ja. “Die House Managers hassen Donald Trump.”

So close.

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