Here's why I bother to do the search, and even take the time to check.

This is part of a pattern that as detailed by Mueller, and has been proven by reputable studies since then. Here are parts of an Oxford report on the goals of the ongoing social media operations of Russia.

The full report can be found here.
Excertps from the 2019 Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian Actove Measures Campaigns and Interference:
Also form the Senate Intelligence Committee report
Senate Intelligence Committee report can be found here.
They can call me crazy but I've read these reports, but even without reading them Ive noticed the patterns for the last few years. So when I see someone mimicking that behavior, I tend to take a closer look and see if they are consistent, or being exploitative.
You may also notice, rather than explain the discrepancy or try to defend their point, they simply blocked me to get me and my inquisitive thoughts out of their mentions, so that they can carry on. in the meantime followers attacked me as weird, and a creep without even looking.
This is why it matters. This effort has been going on for some time, and isn't going to stop anytime soon. It didn't start with 2016 it predates it by decades.

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