The initiatives of Congress are to come in two areas. One within the party and the other with other parties.
First Congress has to Improve its communication with people, cadres, leaders and supporters.
Rahul is mainly shouldering this responsibility. But why not other leaders.

It may be argued that some leaders are doing it within their areas. What about other areas, other leaders?
There will be many contenders for posts, maybe even for President’s if given a chance.
Why not leaders volunteer to propagate views, counter the Modi regime on the field?
Some leaders give out statements in media, write their views on social media. Are they enough? Are they doing justice to their potential?
Even during elections, they limit themselves to their constituencies/ state.
Why should they not extend it beyond & even between elections?
The statements of Congress leaders with few exceptions are bland, insipid, prosaic, not interesting and attracting enough to percolate to the people.
How many of their messages reached the people?
Can they not make it more attractive or find other ways to reach the masses?
Some may say there are limitations of age, barriers of territory, egos, invitations, interference.
Most of them are artificial, self-imposed and can be sorted out.
These leaders do not devote themselves to the masses.
If Rahul does it, expected to do it why not others?
It may be to some extent justified if age imposes limitations in movement. They can encourage, train, motivate other young leaders to do that job.
This is where the need for younger leaders sticks. Many of them are articulate, dynamic, forceful but may only need some guidance.
It is a question of performing to potential within the limitations of the system. If a system has unreasonable barriers it is the responsibility of leaders to make efforts to solve them at the appropriate level. They need not throw up their hands and wait for things to change.
It may be the truth. But things are not going to change so fast. There are limitations of discussions with leaders or among leaders. Frankness, honesty, dispassionate views, comments have their limitations in public or even in private discussions, as the truth hurts people.
The above excerpts are part of my new blog: 'Initiatives - Possibilities - Within Congress'. Subhead: 'Leaders'
It is yet to be posted on my website; will be done once it is complete.

Comments, views, retweets are welcome.

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