Funny, before the election I recall lefties muttering the caravan must have been a Trump setup because it made the open borders crowd look so bad. Why would the pro-migrant crowd engineer a crisis that played into Trump's hands? THIS is why. THESE are the "optics" they wanted.

This media manipulation effort was inspired by the success of the "kids in cages" freakout, a 100% Stalinist propaganda drive that required people to forget about Obama putting migrant children in cells. It worked, so now they want pics of Trump "gassing children on the border."
There's a heavy air of Pallywood around the whole thing as well. If the Palestinians can stage huge theatrical performances of victimhood with the willing cooperation of Western media, why shouldn't the migrant caravan organizers expect the same?
It's business as usual for Anarchy, Inc. - the worldwide shredding of national sovereignty to increase the power of transnational organizations and left-wing ideology. Many in the media are true believers. Others just cannot resist the narrative of "change" and "social justice."
The product sold by Anarchy, Inc. is victimhood. It always boils down to the same formula: once the existing order can be painted as oppressors and children as their victims, chaos wins and order loses. Look at the lefties shrieking in unison about "Trump gassing children" today.
It's the most cynical political strategy ever conceived because its success relies on the compassion of the targeted populations - the same people the Left endlessly accuses of selfish greed. They KNOW their superficial critique of Western civilization is bunk. They count on it.
For the Left, this is all about the will to power. They have the will and the means to overthrow the existing order. They'll do whatever it takes to win. They're counting on their targets lacking the will to fight back and defend their sovereignty.
The groundwork for that strategy was laid by attacking the moral structure of sovereignty: teaching targeted populations to despise their own culture and national identity. The first step in sapping the will to fight is bleeding away the enemy's sense of righteousness.
So here we are: An angry mob assaults the border with some women and children in tow. The Left is straight up telling you that fighting back and defending the border is immoral, equivalent to a Nazi war crime. The morality of using force in the service of the law is under attack.
And without force behind it, the law becomes a battlefield where the will to power is tested. Do you want your sovereignty as badly as your adversaries want to take it away from you? They have calculated that you do not. /end

More from John Hayward

More from Politics

"3 million people are estimated not to have official photo ID, with ethnic minorities more at risk". They will "have to contact their council to confirm their ID if they want to vote"

This is shameful legislation, that does nothing to tackle the problems with UK elections.THREAD

There is no evidence in-person voter fraud is a problem, and it wd be near-impossible to organise on an effective scale. Campaign finance violations, digital disinformation & manipulation of postal voting are bigger issues, but these are crimes of the powerful, not the powerless.

In a democracy, anything that makes it harder to vote - in particular, anything that disadvantages one group of voters - should face an extremely high bar. Compulsory voter ID takes a hammer to 3 million legitimate voters (disproportionately poor & BAME) to crack an imaginary nut

If the government is concerned about the purity of elections, it should reflect on its own conduct. In 2019 it circulated doctored news footage of an opponent, disguised its twitter feed as a fake fact-checking site, and ran adverts so dishonest that even Facebook took them down.

Britain's electoral law largely predates the internet. There is little serious regulation of online campaigning or the cash that pays for it. That allows unscrupulous campaigners to ignore much of the legal framework erected since the C19th to guard against electoral misconduct.

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