As the @guardian continues their antisemitic game of contorting everything in existence to attack Israel, (in this instance perpetuating a libel of Jews as disease spreaders withholding vaccines), here are some other headlines I’ve written for them to keep up their sleeves:

Israel’s national anthem sung in Hebrew - not Japanese - another low for this racist state
Israeli of the year award goes to Israeli - not Frenchman - is there no end to Israel’s racism?
Israeli sports budget spent on Israelis - not on Scottish skateboard parks. What would we expect?
Diego Maradonna doesn’t even place in list of top ten greatest ever Israelis. An insult to world’s football fans. FIFA must act...
Israeli Knesset based in Israel. Why not Oslo? No wonder young Norwegians are disenfranchised from politics...
Why is Israel’s flag the only flag to appear on the flag of Israel? Is it time we went to war with this joke country?
Israeli sense of humour excludes people who don’t get Israeli sense of humour. Is it time we stopped these elitists smiling altogether?
In each of their wars Israel has sided with themselves rather than their enemies. Is it time to call it what it is? Racism...

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This week marks 12 months since Josephine Cashman supplied Andrew Bolt with a letter falsely attributed to a Yolngu lawman that Bolt published via NewsCorp on Jan 26 as parcel of his persecution of Bruce Pascoe. Cashman & Bolt still haven’t provided a satisfactory explanation

Terry Yumbulul didn’t write the letter and didn’t agree with its content. He said so himself in a video published the next day and in a written statement published later the same day

The weird thing was, it soon emerged that large sections of the letter had been cribbed from other sources. Weird because as a Yolngu lawman, Terry didn’t need to borrow his knowledge from unrelated, alternate sources ... pretty much verbatim

The fallout was swift. Bolt was compelled to do a correction on his column and Cashman was just as swiftly dumped from her position of the Morrison government’s Senior Advisory Group for an Indigenous Voice to Government

There was no apology from either of them or from NewsCorp tho, and with the assistance of Sky News After Dark they desperately attempted to obfuscate the reality that everybody involved had been caught out and left red faced

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