God, Help Me.(three underrated words)

Oftentimes, It is awfully difficult to ask "man" for help.

Sometimes, You ask, and you get helped.

You ask, they are willing to help, but, are not available.

Sometimes too, they are available, but, lack the capacity to help.

Some help you and it comes at a cost....they make you feel like a failure, a begger and even make you feel less of yourself.

The Bible therefore puts it this way in
Psalm 60:11 KJV
Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.
Some men may even want to help, but, expect something in return.... something you may not be willing to give if not for the unpalatable situation you found yourself in.

Others put conditions ahead, before they help.

Some help you and you become a public ridicule.
But, there is one who is a ready help in times of trouble. Available at all times.

Bishop Benson Idahosa put it this way;
"No One that said "God help me" has God ever denied help"

He went further to say;

When it's rough, say, God, Help me.
When it's tough, say, God, Help me.
When you don't know what to do, say, God, Help me.

When you're in trouble, say, God, Help me.
When you're weak, say, God, Help me.
When you're down, say God, Help me.

When you're in the valley of confusion, say, God, help me.
You, see, those three beautiful words, "God help me" carries tremendous power. Ironically, they have been underrated.

As simple as the three words look or sound, they have saved many.

Examples abound in the Bible when those three words were the saving grace and game changer in
situations that were seemingly hopeless.

Those words were the game changer for the Israelites everytime they were in trouble.

Those words were a default for David.

Those words came through for the patriarchs in the old and new testament days...
Even our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was weak and weary in the garden of Gethsemane, He called on God for help and immediately, an angel was dispatched.

Luke 22:43 MSG
At once an angel from heaven was at his side, strengthening him.
No One that said "God help me" has God ever denied help.

Even when you fall short of God's "expectations" and fall into sin, those three words will save you.

No one comes to God for help, and is told, "God is busy, sleeping, or in a meeting.
We all have access to Him at all times.

God will not help you and then make you feel ashamed afterwards.

He will not help you and announce to whosoever, cares to listen, how you came begging, with your sorry "tail in-between your legs"

That's not who He is.
When He helps you, it's totally to restore you, reconcile you to him, help you overcome etc.

With God's help, you are "MORE" & not "LESS"

He is the Almighty. All power reside in Him.

1 Chronicles 29:12 MSG
Riches and glory come from you, you're ruler over all; You hold

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