"The best investments comes from the best businesses"

One of the investors who's made a big impact on me:

@JohnHuber72 of Saber Capital

I spent days pouring thru his articles and interviews in my early days...

Even had a doc with 20 pages of notes!

Here's my top 15 lessons:

1. You don't need original or unique investing ideas

You can simply wait for great businesses to be mispriced.

And then pounce when that happens.

In the meanwhile, don't dilute your portfolio with simply "good ideas"

Only accept the "great" ones
2. John's investing criteria for idiots

• Easy to understand businesses

• Generate lots of FCF

• Partner with good management teams

And then...

Sit back and WAIT for the fat pitch
3. Distaste for strikeouts > Desire for homeruns

John is okay with not making 10x returns in a short time.

And he has come to accept that.

Every investment strategy comes with its own features.

The key is knowing what they are and making sure it fits your personality.
4. One years results don't mean much

This was taken from John's 2016 letter...

1 year results can be random.

Don't feel too sad if you underperform...

Or get too confident when you outperform.

Zoom out and look at your performance over multi year periods instead.
5. It's all about the value proposition

Don't just understand the moat or business model.

Seek to see things from the customer POV.

Why do customers use their products over others?

What is the value that people see in them?
6. Find businesses that do NOT take advantage of customers

Some businesses can be great...

But they are profiting off their customers' reliance on them.

They abuse their bargaining power.

These short term profits usually don't last long.
7. Long term focus is even more valuable in a short term world today

With so much focus purely on the next quarter...

It creates a lot of opportunities for investors who are not playing that game.

They can afford to buy into "weakness"...

They can afford to wait.
8. The limits of information advantage

Information is useful.

It helps you see where the company is trending the next few months.

It could even be profitable to invest that way.

But it also makes you think short term.

Be careful of placing too much weight on recent news.
9. Low risk, High uncertainty

You profit when you are willing to:

• buy the stock of a high quality company...

• when it is likely going to drop further in the short run

There is huge uncertainty.

But the risk is actually low.
10. Nobody likes short term pain

Nobody wants to buy a stock that will go down in the next 3 months...

Even if it will be worth way much more in 3 years.

That's the price you pay to find and ride big winners.

Are you willing to pay that price?

Most investors are not.
11. Moats are no longer impenetrable

The old school way of viewing moats as a fortress no longer stands.

Consumers today have much more choice.

The internet has given them power.

The best moat is a business who keeps giving more value to the customer over time.
12. Are customers getting a good deal?

It's no longer about brand advantages...

Distribution advantages...

Or dominating shelf space in a super market.

It's about whether customers genuinely feel happy buying from you
13. Study the businesses you have no intention to own

It develops pattern recognition.

Widens your mosaic of dots in your head...

Which then widens your opportunity set.

Plus, it gives you a blueprint of what future great businesses look like.
14. Size your positions according to risk of loss

John's biggest positions are not those with the highest possible return.

It's those he thinks have the lowest chance of losing $$.
15. The biggest mistakes come from picking the wrong business

Not from paying the wrong price

Always start with businesses that would first pass your quality filter.
Like this? Follow me at @heymaxkoh

I share how I crossed 7 figures before age 30 by investing in great companies.

Stuff I tweet about:

• My investing strategy
• Books that inspire me
• Stuff on personal growth
Still reading?

Geez. You really like me huh?

Then you should subscribe to my blog.

I write about all things Money, Investing, Financial Freedom.

But I'm lazy. So don't expect daily articles.

I write when inspiration strikes.

Or when I'm drunk.

Check out John's amazing blog here:

I also really enjoyed this interview with John:

And also his podcast episode with Meb Faber.

One of my favourites I've listened to multiple times.


More from Max Koh

I'm lucky to attain financial freedom before 30.

I credit Fintwit for my learnings.

Here's 10 key concepts every investor must know:

1. $$ needed to retire
2. Researching a business
3. Reading annual reports
4. Reading earnings calls
5. Criteria of a multi bagger

(Read on...)

6. Holding a multi bagger
7. Economic moats
8. When to buy a stock
9. Earnings vs cashflow
10. Traits of quality companies

Here's my 10 favourite threads on these concepts:

1. How much $$ do you need to retire

Before you start, you must know the end game.

To meet your retirement goals...

How much $$ do you need in your portfolio?

10-K Diver does a good job explaining what's a safe withdrawl rate.

Hint: It's NOT

2. Research a business

Your investment returns are a lagging indicator.

Instead, your research skills are the leading predictor of your results.


To be a good investor, you must be a great business researcher.

Start with

3. Reading annual reports

This is the bread and butter of a good business analyst.

You cannot just listen to opinions from others.

You must learn to deep dive a business and make your own judgments.

Start with the 10k.

Ming Zhao explains it

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