7 Psychological Triggers you can use to motivate, influence and persuade people to do what you want

⚠ Warning: These triggers are HARD-CODED into our brains and can be used for good or for harm. Please use them responsibly 🙏


1. Consistency

Once a commitment is made, the tendency is to be consistent with that first commitment.

The size of the commitment can be as small as getting people to raise their hands and say "yes"

Or it could be accepting an invitation to take the car out for a test drive.
2. Objection raising

If you can address your target's objection before he brings it up, you come across as honest rather than deceptive.

This is why great sales letters often say "I know what you're thinking..." or something similar.

Most people f^ck this up by sweeping...
the objection under the carpet and hoping the target forgets.

But the longer you wait, the more skepticism you build in your target's mind.

Bring up the objections early and address them and you will earn the target's TRUST.
3. Involvement and ownership
The best way to get someone to buy something is to make them feel like they own it.

Can't get people to join your community? Offer a free trial.

Can't persuade your wife to go to Costa Rica for a vacation? Take her on a mental journey to the beach.

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