When you're 18 you're free to live life however you want.

But the plan you've likely been given is a plan to keep you trapped in hell.

Read this *thread* to learn from my mistakes (I'm twice your age)



1) College is not mandatory

I know everyone around you makes it seem like it's mandatory but it's not.

Especially if your #1 goal is to make money.

Even if you STILL want to go to college..

Take a year off to work or travel


then go to college.
2) World travel is the best education you never had

When I was a kid I had no idea you could possible to travel the world long term.

I thought my path was College ▶9-5▶5 years on the job▶2 week vacation▶Retirement at 65

Reading the 4-hour workweek changed that path for me
3) Lifting is mandatory

You are at your PEAK Energetically.

Use that energy to get into the best shape of your life and the rest of your life will be FAR EASIER.

Everyone respects a physically strong man. No one respects a physically weak man.

No debating this one. Go lift.
4) Don't listen to your parents

Only exception is unless your dad is a self-made millionaire.

If your parents give you conventional advice like go to college, get a job, get married etc, IGNORE.

It's not their fault they've been brainwashed.

Love them but ignore their advice.
5) Befriend older accomplished men and seek their advice

Having an older successful man as a mentor is a SHORTCUT in life.

Leverage his life experience and do as he tells you to do.

When I 23, I had a mentor who was 38. That man shaved years of pain from my own life.
6) You can make money on the internet

When I first learned about online money, I didn't have the wealth of resources that you do now.

Pick a business model and start applying. Who cares if you fail. You're young.

All great businesses starts with finding a profitable idea...
Get started today by learning market research. Then go out and build your first online business.

My affiliate link:

7) Don't get into debt

Debt is slavery.

I've worked in bankruptcy and lemme tell you being broke ain't no joke.

At 18, you should not be buying anything on credit.

If you have to use a credit card, pay it off weekly. That way you're always on top of your debt.
8) Learn how money works

A basic primer is Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

The basics are:
1) Generate cashflow (build a cashflow biz)
2) Accumulate capital, NOT material possessions
3) Live frugally
4) Be patient
9) Self-Discipline is paramount to develop now

The longer you wait to discipline yourself, the lazier you become.

I did not discipline myself until I was 30!

Do not make my mistake.

If you discipline yourself now, the rest of your life will be easy AF
10) You have a big future

Ignore all the grown ups that say "Enjoy it because when you get to my age it's all downhill."

They are losers and they want you to be a loser so they don't feel bad about themselves.

Build yourself now and you'll be laughing for the rest of your life
11) Don't believe in politics. Believe in yourself.

I see so many young kids getting involved in politics and it makes me sad because none of those politicians give a flying fuck about you.

Here's the harsh truth: you are on your own.

If you want a better world, go build it.
12) Porn is legal heroine

You may think I'm exaggerating here but I'm not.

When I was young, porn was a magazine with some naked women you'd share with your best friend.

It is designed to turn you into an addict, sap your energy and turn you into an addict.

When I say...
you are at the prime of your life ENERGETICALLY I mean that.

Getting a porn addiction at a young age is like inheriting a million dollars and gambling it all away for a few fun weekends in Vegas.

You wouldn't do that with money so don't do that with your energy.
13) Your friends will change

Especially if you focus on improving yourself.

Most of your friends will go the conventional route.

Some of them will be successful.

Some of them will be failures.

Most of them will be average.

People grow apart.

Focus on your journey.
14) See the world in full colour

School has primed you to see the world in black and white.

Republican or Democrat

Apple or Android user

Stop putting yourself in a category.

When you're young you have a strong urge to belong to a tribe...
You must fight that urge to be put into a category because that's how society CONTROLS YOU.

If you say "I'm a liberal", you'll automatically follow the Democrat blueprint.

When people say it's A or B, remember there is ALWAYS a C.

See the world in full colour.
15) Learn to leverage positions

I learned this from @ipb_media.

All those people you hate that always seem to get what they want?

It's not because they're more "intelligent".

It's because they put themselves in a position to get what they want.

I'll never forget when I...
got my second corporate job.

I busted my ass off to get that job.

I then found out a guy I went to school with who was a total f*ck up in college got the same job at a bigger firm.


His GF's dad was a partner at the firm (Better positioning)
16) Get a job in sales

Best way to improve your positioning in life is to LEARN SALES.

Sales is not evil.

EVERYONE sells themselves so you might as well get good at it.

If I had a time machine, I would've dropped out of college and gotten a sales job instead.
17) No one believes in you

Outside of your friends and family, no one believes in you.

And honestly, why should they? You haven't done anything... YET.

Don't go seeking approval.

Approval is for cowards.

Instead, go out and prove yourself by getting incredible results.
18) See yourself as You,Inc.

Let go of the idea of "you."

Instead, see yourself as a startup called "You, Inc."

As an investor, would you invest?

What actions can you take now to increase the value of You,Inc and make it a no-brainer investment?

That's how you should live.

Thanks for reading. I hope you get value out of this thread.

If you enjoyed it, feel free to:

a) Retweet ☝ first tweet above to share the knowledge karma
b) Pick up my free book 🔽


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Trading view scanner process -

1 - open trading view in your browser and select stock scanner in left corner down side .

2 - touch the percentage% gain change ( and u can see higest gainer of today)

3. Then, start with 6% gainer to 20% gainer and look charts of everyone in daily Timeframe . (For fno selection u can choose 1% to 4% )

4. Then manually select the stocks which are going to give all time high BO or 52 high BO or already given.

5. U can also select those stocks which are going to give range breakout or already given range BO

6 . If in 15 min chart📊 any stock sustaing near BO zone or after BO then select it on your watchlist

7 . Now next day if any stock show momentum u can take trade in it with RM

This looks very easy & simple but,

U will amazed to see it's result if you follow proper risk management.

I did 4x my capital by trading in only momentum stocks.

I will keep sharing such learning thread 🧵 for you 🙏💞🙏

Keep learning / keep sharing 🙏