I could be wrong but to me it seems like they were broken into task groups
Group A—> breach outer perimeters
subGroup Aa—>charging group West Entrance
subGroup Ab—>charging group East Entrance
rotating men (see next tweet
Group B—> House Chamber
Group C—> Senate Chamber

More from File411


Audio: Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to ‘find’ votes

It is one thing to read the words but a totally different thing to hear how fucking insane @realDonaldTrump is
”you know what they did and you’re not reporting it...that’s a criminal offense”
Trump sounds unhinged & delusional

HAND TO GOD @realDonaldTrump will cost @senatemajldr his majority and that delights me
Factoring in early @ossoff @ReverendWarnock voters & this bombshell
MITCH deserves everything coming his way

moreover you can hear Trump repeatedly threatening Georgia Lawmakers
It is extremely unnerving & frankly just sick & unAmerican
Audio: Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to ‘find’ votes

. @realDonaldTrump
started as a birther ends as a sore loser
-“won GA by at least “a 500,000 votes“
-thousands of dead people voted
-election worker scanned 18,000 forged ballots three times each”
Audio: Trump berates Ga SOS, urges him to ‘find’ votes
Thread - omnibus, CRs

-Continuing Resolution (CR) is a mechanism to address a budgetary “gap”
Under @senatemajldr (not) awesome leadership CRs have become the norm, which is maddening because that’s NOT what CRs are meant for
-pocket veto
-President versus Congress

Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution
-any Bill shall not be returned by the President within 10 Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment

Sorry here’s the link - Article 1, Section 7 of our Constitution (sometimes referred to as the presentment clause)
One could infer “pocket veto” +/- 2 days Jan 4th, 5th, or 6th...


My educated guess is Trump knows
“might” (operative word) be his “trust the plan” screwing McConnell Senate GOP & nearly ALL Americans
-though lacking a signature and formal objections
-does not become law
-Pocket vetoes are not subject to the congressional veto override process

And here‘s WHY - it is literally the last sentence:

“...unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law”
the massive bill was flown down to FL yesterday so the 10 day clock started yesterday...

More from Legal

These people weren't murdered. They were legally executed after convictions for horrendous crimes, being sentenced to the death penalty, and going through countless appeals.

You can oppose the death penalty as a punishment without pretending that the people executed were victims or that carrying out those executions is comparable to murder.

As an example: Daniel Lee was a white supremacist who murdered a family (including an 8-year-old girl) by suffocating them with bags and then dumping their bodies in a swamp.

That's whose name @CoriBush wants you to remember.

Wesley Purkey admitted to kidnapping, raping, and then murdering a 16-year-old girl named Jennifer Long. He then dismembered her body. He also beat an 80-year-old woman to death.

Maybe we should learn the names of his victims instead, @CoriBush?

Dustin Honken was a meth dealer that murdered 5 people, including 2 girls under the age of 11, because their dad was set to testify against him on drug charges. He was specifically sentenced to death for killing the 2 kids.
At the root of my work is safeguarding human life. I support a massive buildout of public transit because it makes life fundamentally better, reduces greenhouse emissions, and saves lives. 1/

In the United States, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death and injury for children under the age of 18.
https://t.co/RrYVtaoFRd 2/

A few years ago my family and I were driving from visiting relatives in Texas when we were stuck in traffic on the I-10. We were at a complete dead stop when a woman (texting) in a Suburban hit us at 70 mph. She crushed the back of our car like a soda can. 3/

Thankfully, our two-year-old was in a good carseat and I absorbed the brunt of the injuries with a few shards of glass in my scalp. I won't show those pictures! While a high speed rail network along the Gulf Coast may have not prevented that accident, it could prevent most. 4/

Electrifying household appliances will reduce our 'dependence' on natural gas and transmission methane leaks, but the switch will also cut the number of carbon monoxide poisonings and natural gas related explosions that kill Americans everyday. 5/

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