The situation in NSW is changing fast.

Case numbers are continuing to grow. There are still missing links in the chains of transmission, which suggests there'll be more cases out there that the authorities are yet to find.

Without mandatory masks and stay at home orders across Sydney, we do not have confidence that the situation remains safe.

That's why from 11:59pm tonight, the Greater Sydney area and the Central Coast will be designated a 'red zone'.
People who live in these areas or have visited since 11 December cannot enter our state.

Anyone from the red zone found trying to enter Victoria in breach of these orders will be subject to mandatory 14-day hotel quarantine.
For Victorians currently in Greater Sydney or on the Central Coast, you'll have until 11:59pm on Monday 21 December to return home.

You'll need to register for an exemption on the Service Victoria website and get tested within 24 hours of your return.
You'll then need to self-quarantine at home for 14 days from the date you were last in a red zone.

DHHS teams will be checking on people to make sure they have everything they need – and to make sure they're at home.
Anyone currently in the Northern Beaches 'hot zone' – including Victorians – remain under the NSW Chief Health Officer's stay at home orders and will not be permitted to travel to Victoria.
Victoria Police are setting up additional border check-points to ensure only those with permits are allowed to cross into our state.

Regional New South Wales remains a green zone, but residents will still need a valid permit to enter Victoria.
People living in local government areas along both sides of the border will be able to use their driver's licence as a passport to travel between Victoria and NSW.

We're also working with the ACT Govt to stop travellers from the red zone entering Victoria via Canberra Airport.
I know lots of families will be feeling pretty gutted – especially since we've all waited so long for that special time together.

But let's face it – nothing could be as disappointing as seeing all our sacrifices evaporate. Nothing is worth that risk.
Just finally – this will only work if we all do the right thing.

Please don't look for loopholes or try and skirt the rules.

Your family, your community and your state depend on it.

More from Law

This issue was repeatedly highlighted bu Judge Totenberg:

Dominion’s system “does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a format readable by the voter because the votes are tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code.”

Judge also found that Dominion's QR codes are NOT encrypted:

“Evidence plainly contradicts any contention that the QR codes or digital signatures are encrypted,”

This was “ultimately conceded by Mr. Cobb and expressly acknowledged later by Dr. Coomer during his testimony.”

Judge Totenberg said there was “demonstrable evidence” that the implementation of Dominion’s systems by Georgia placed voters at an “imminent risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote,” which she defined as a “vote that is accurately counted.”

Judge Totenberg found that Dominion Systems inherently could not be audited.

She noted that auditors are severely limited and “can only determine whether the BMD printout was tabulated accurately, not whether the election outcome is correct.“

Totenberg stated in her ruling that a BMD printout “is not trustworthy” and the application of an Risk-Limiting audit (RLA) to an election that used BMD printouts “does not yield a true risk-limiting audit.”

Georgia used RLAs to claim no fraud...

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और उन्होनें ब्रह्मविद्या का ज्ञान अश्विनि कुमारों को दे दिया। गुप्तचरों के माध्यम से जब खबर इन्द्रदेव तक पहुंची तो वे क्रोध में खड़ग ले कर गए और महर्षि दधीचि का सर धड़ से अलग कर दिया।मगर अश्विनी कुमार भी कहां चुप बैठने वाले थे।उन्होने तुरंत एक अश्व का सिर महर्षि के धड़ पे...

...प्रत्यारोपित कर उन्हें जीवित रख लिया।उस दिन के पश्चात महर्षि दधीचि अश्वशिरा भी कहलाए जाने लगे।अब आगे सुनिये की किस प्रकार महर्षि दधीचि का सर काटने वाले इन्द्र कैसे अपनी रक्षा हेतु उनके आगे गिड़गिड़ाए ।

एक बार देवराज इन्द्र अपनी सभा में बैठे थे, तो उन्हे खुद पर अभिमान हो आया।

वे सोचने लगे कि हम तीनों लोकों के स्वामी हैं। ब्राह्मण हमें यज्ञ में आहुति देते हैं और हमारी उपासना करते हैं। फिर हम सामान्य ब्राह्मण बृहस्पति से क्यों डरते हैं ?उनके आने पर क्यों खड़े हो जाते हैं?वे तो हमारी जीविका से पलते हैं। देवर्षि बृहस्पति देवताओं के गुरु थे।

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