#BombayHighCourt begins hearing the plea of Lawyers Collective challenging the summons issued by ED for appearance of Sr Adv Anand Grover before them in the capacity of the trustee of the NGO.


Bench of Justices SS Shinde and MS Karnik ask ASG Anil Singh where the other Sr Advs are.

ASG: Milords had this been physical hearing, I would have located them, it is difficult during virtual hearing.

All Laugh.
Court states that the officers of ED are willing to come to Mumbai to carry out interrogation and they can proceed with the interrogation subject to the outcome of the plea.

Sr Adv Amit Desai asks the court to note certain facts from the plea.
Desai submits that ED has claimed they do not have certain documents with them. We have submitted those records, these are public records, but we will provide them with whatever additional documents they want.
Desai: So I am submitting that those documents can be sent to the ED, they can go through the documents and then take further course of action.
Court asks ASG to consider if the hearing of the ED can be deferred beyond January 6, 2021.

ASG: Milords the petitioner cannot have a choice on the investigation. This investigation is at preliminary stage. I am only talking about recording of statement.
Court: They are not saying stay the investigation, they are only deferring the hearing.

You were not there in a previous hearing, Mr. Ponda was there and Ms Gonsalves was there for CBI.

CBI had made a statement that they will complete investigation in a certain time.
Court: Thereafter they have sought for more time.

Investigation officers have full liberty to conduct their investigation.

We will hear your matter in first week of January, 2021.
ASG argues that if the hearing is deferred then it will send a wrong signal that the hearing is deferred.

Court: What we are saying is that whatever date you fix for recording their statement, just do it after January 6.
ASG: Milords lawyers are coming to court everyday, can they not go for recording statements?

I am willing to send my officers for recording statement if they cannot come to Delhi.
Desai: There are lots of jurisdictional issues. I have read the reply of Mr. Singh and he has fairly said that there are substantial questions of law which I agree.

I am also saying that they are asking me to bring the documents, I am only saying I will send the documents
Desai: You study those documents in the meanwhile and then take further course.

Desai gets disconnected from the call.

Court: Mr. Singh we will take this matter on December 22. Now time is over.
ASG: Milords I will take instructions on the date and milords can keep it tomorrow just for instructions and not for arguments.

Court: Ok we will record that and extend the earlier order till tomorrow.
Hearing will continue tomorrow only for the purpose of Mr. Singh’s reply on the issue of deferring the date for recording of statement of Sr Adv Grover on behalf of Lawyers Collective.

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This issue was repeatedly highlighted bu Judge Totenberg:

Dominion’s system “does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a format readable by the voter because the votes are tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code.”

Judge also found that Dominion's QR codes are NOT encrypted:

“Evidence plainly contradicts any contention that the QR codes or digital signatures are encrypted,”

This was “ultimately conceded by Mr. Cobb and expressly acknowledged later by Dr. Coomer during his testimony.”

Judge Totenberg said there was “demonstrable evidence” that the implementation of Dominion’s systems by Georgia placed voters at an “imminent risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote,” which she defined as a “vote that is accurately counted.”

Judge Totenberg found that Dominion Systems inherently could not be audited.

She noted that auditors are severely limited and “can only determine whether the BMD printout was tabulated accurately, not whether the election outcome is correct.“

Totenberg stated in her ruling that a BMD printout “is not trustworthy” and the application of an Risk-Limiting audit (RLA) to an election that used BMD printouts “does not yield a true risk-limiting audit.”

Georgia used RLAs to claim no fraud...
A Call for Help!
1. we have a petition/open letter for the WHO
2. 372 people signed it but we want to boost it
3. I post link ascomment on related YT videos
Tks @KevinMcH3 for the tip
4. You can help by liking the comments
5. That will increase visibility!

6. Links for YT videos with comments are here
1. China curtails hunt for virus origins
2. China: nearly 500,000 may have been infected in Wuhan
3. WHO becomes US-China battleground | DW Documentary

4. Gravitas: The 'hidden hunt' for COVID-19 origins
5. Seeking the invisible: hunt for origins of deadly Covid-19 coronavirus will take scientists to Wuhan
6. WHO team to probe COVID-19 origins in

7. How forensic researchers track down origins of SARS-CoV2
8. Bats, roadblocks & the origins of coronavirus - BBC
9. New coronavirus strain is far more infectious and spreading among young - BBC

10. https://t.co/OcpAZ9nrl3
11. https://t.co/OcpAZ9nrl3
12. https://t.co/OcpAZ9nrl3
13. https://t.co/PhmoSfvbD8
14. https://t.co/TsvB7SYN2c
15. https://t.co/0o5YbmiUbJ
16. https://t.co/ir7QiwmlWt
17. https://t.co/PTT3KZDi8F

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Recently, the @CNIL issued a decision regarding the GDPR compliance of an unknown French adtech company named "Vectaury". It may seem like small fry, but the decision has potential wide-ranging impacts for Google, the IAB framework, and today's adtech. It's thread time! 👇

It's all in French, but if you're up for it you can read:
• Their blog post (lacks the most interesting details):
• Their high-level legal decision: https://t.co/hwpiEvjodt
• The full notification: https://t.co/QQB7rfynha

I've read it so you needn't!

Vectaury was collecting geolocation data in order to create profiles (eg. people who often go to this or that type of shop) so as to power ad targeting. They operate through embedded SDKs and ad bidding, making them invisible to users.

The @CNIL notes that profiling based off of geolocation presents particular risks since it reveals people's movements and habits. As risky, the processing requires consent — this will be the heart of their assessment.

Interesting point: they justify the decision in part because of how many people COULD be targeted in this way (rather than how many have — though they note that too). Because it's on a phone, and many have phones, it is considered large-scale processing no matter what.